[@Yomojo][@Afro Samurai][@tex] [color=0072bc]Hey hey! Lucille![/color] Came a rather jolly voice, contrasting with Tetu's tension. On the sidewalk, a very familiar clanking sound was weird. Making his way over to the group of three, was a young man. Clad in suspenders and his trusty cap, it was none other than the cocky delivery boy of the White Teeth, Quinn. His most distinguishing features being his artificial legs and left arm. Magic based prosthetic, which moved as well as any leg made of flesh and bone. Thanks to the Universal Machines and the Kokothan Government's progress, losing a limb wasn't much of a problem anymore, if you had the money to replace it and the magic or rune batteries to fuel it. [color=0072bc]This how you make friends, lately?[/color] he said, noticing the punch to Tetu, not quite acknowledging the cat; having not heard it speak, to him it was but an ordinary cat. Man looked to be a foreigner. With all the immigration booms, new faces were far too often in the city. [color=0072bc]Don't go hitting strangers, girl.[/color] He said, with a smirk, crossing his arms. Looking around, noticing the crowd that had gathered from Nino's outburst. [color=0072bc]What're you all standing around eyeballing at? Skedaddle on out of here![/color]