[@Yomojo] The relic in question was a small device, resembling an astrolabe. [color=8882be]The rune seems to be missing. If it had one that was. There is some text here.[/color] Pausing, she took a moment to translate them, [8882be]Well, it's a astrolabe. The next on here are different directions. It must've been used for mapping out stars and for traveling. A tool of our "Forgotten Hero" perhaps?[/color] Setting the relic down, she hummed, looking puzzled. [color=8882be]If you all don't have the rune, it must've been taken out a long time ago. My other theory that it never had one to begin with. Either way, this astrolabe is unusable with its age. Regardless, I am looking forward to unraveling this tomorrow, my dear~[/color] When it came to researching the culture of Isz, every single temple, tomb, and keep was like unraveling a mystery. Every one of them had their own story.