[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjU0LmQ0MTYxOC5SMmxrWlc5dUlFSnNiM056WlhJLC4w/homoarakhn.regular.png[/img][/center] [center][b][color=9e0b0f]Location:[/color] Hospital[/b][/center] [hr] [b]Hospital Samaritano[/b] [color=9e0b0f]Rio de Janeiro, Brazil[/color] It had been a two hour operation to stitch the child’s stomach and cleanse the various wounds that streaked his skin like crimson zebra stripes. The nurse approached the child’s hospital room to check on him, verifying the name on the door with her clipboard. With a nod, she grasped the doorknob and opened the hospital room door only to freeze in shock in the doorway. Her dark brows leapt up her forehead and brown eyes grew in surprise. Lying in the hospital bed was not a child but a man. He filled the bed and the white blankets were haphazardly hanging off his lap and the edge of the mattress. The nurse frantically looked over her clipboard before her startled eyes returned to the slumbering man. Quietly, she crept over to his bed, hoping to inspect the hospital band that had stretched to near snapping about his wrist. This was the patient!? The nurse continued to investigate the person before her. The cuts that had streaked his body were faint white streaks against his olive complexion, and the bandages they had wrapped about his abdomen were split in some places. The fact that she could even see his bandaged midsection led her to the shredded hospital gown that protected what remaining modesty he had. What was going on? Her eyes trailed back up his body to his face and the sight of his grey, gleaming eyes peering at her through cracked lids made her freeze like a deer in headlights. Gideon stared at the woman as he slowly drew himself from sleep. There was a surge of ki signatures spiking erratically and stirring him from his rest. It was a shame. The hospital bed had been the most relaxing and peaceful break he’s had since he escaped Daedalus. The staring and silence between the two of them started to become awkward and Gideon slowly peered down at his body to realize that he had reverted back to his adult self in his sleep. His wounds had healed quicker than what the nurse had anticipated, but they weren’t going to heal completely if he didn’t feed his cells. [color=CA2C27][b]“Food,”[/b][/color] Gideon requested weakly. [color=CA2C27][b]“…please.”[/b][/color] The nurse slowly backed out of the room. She briskly turned and started back into the hallway, and Gideon hoped that she did as he requested. Pressing his palms flatly into the mattress, he grimaced as he weakly sat up in the bed. His body started to shrink, his bones, muscles, everything contracting into a compact child state as his ki diminished. The last thing he wanted was to lure whatever chaos was going on nearby to the hospital. What worried him even more was he didn’t know how long he had been in his adult state, and if any of his enemies had tracked him down. The little boy closed his eyes. His body felt heavy and weak, and he concentrated all his blood flow and energy into the reparation of his damaged cells. Upon opening his eyes, he saw the nurse return spouting crazily in Portuguese as she dragged one of the doctors over to his room. Her mouth fell open when she saw the little boy sitting in the bed, the same boy the doctor remembered. The doctor looked at the nurse as though she was insane. The nurse tried to show the doctor the strips of stretched and torn cloth scattered about the bed, but the doctor thought maybe the boy had been frustrated or troubled. The doctor approached the bed and asked Little Gideon, “What’s wrong, boy? Are you all right?” [color=CA2C27][b]“Hungry,”[/b][/color] Little Gideon answered. “It’s okay. We will go get you some food. I’m just going to give you a quick examination.” Little Gideon nodded and avoided making eye-contact with the nurse. Last thing he wanted was for her running around raising hell about what she had seen. He hoped that she would just forget the whole thing. The doctor pressed the cold stethoscope against his chest, asking him to inhale and deeply and exhale. Afterwards, he removed the broken bandages and inspected the stitches on his stomach, noticing that the boy’s skin had strangely started to grow over them. The doctor muttered to himself in surprise, his eyes widening as he probed the injury gently with his finger. The nurse pointed at Little Gideon, speaking frantically in Portuguese. Little Gideon suspected that she was telling the doctor he was abnormal. This was why he didn’t like hospitals, but he didn’t have much of a choice. As soon as he got some food in his stomach, he was going to escape.