[@Crimmy] [b]Luke Schwarz[/b] Got it in one. Not bad, Lucas, there may be hope for that brain of yours yet. [b]"It took me a second to realize,"[/b] I explained, rolling out the stiffness in one of my wrists. [b]"Your sister's... in a word, [i]intense[/i]. A whole lot of [i]intense[/i], under that surface."[/b] A harsh taskmaster, a natural at taking charge, and let's not even get started on the mouth she had on her. I'm by no means an innocent child with pure, freshly fallen snow for ears or mentality, but Gratia Mindaro slings more curses around than the average video game debuff table. Bluntness was about as much as you could hope for with her words, but with Galla... [b]"You seem a lot calmer. I guess it threw me off a little."[/b] Which was saying a lot, given Gratia was already paradoxically calm, in regards to her outward demeanor, in relation to her acid tongue. Of course, if you got her talking about something she gave half a damn about, you got a window into the storm inside, but good luck making [i]that[/i] happen. The Mindaros were just a stoic bunch, I guessed... Only served to make my family seem so much more insane and lively in comparison. If these two idiots break something, I don't know them. I have no connection to them. They can feel the weight of the consequences alone.