[@HereComesTheSnow] [B]Mindaro Mondays - [url=http://i.imgur.com/5Yg3CXc.jpg]Galla[/url][/B] "[color=DFFF00]You're not the first to feel like that.[/color]" Her words and tone were as matter-of-fact and calm as the older teenager had said they were. Luke Schwarz would not be the first to be thrown off by her personality after meeting her big sister, and from the ponderous undercurrent to his voice, it was particularly obvious to Galla that her current companion was still thinking over the unexpected differences between her and Gratia. It was a common reaction to their relationship, given the physical similarities. They were perturbed by the lack of Gratia's intensity in her. "[color=DFFF00]She's always like that,[/color]" she added, a tidbit thrown out in a voice that never changed at all. It never mattered to her.