[color=ed1c24] [h2] [center] Lucian Vazquez [/center] [/h2][/color] After the zubats fell, Lucian gestured for houndour to keep moving and continued to follow the pokemons scent. Before he followed the sounds and houndour as the pokemon began to head down the left cave, he turned to Dawkin and Martin [color=ed1c24]"Well, as much as I appreciate your help back there, I have some business to attend to so I must be on my way, unless you intend to go left of course in which case I'd be more than happy for the company"[/color] he said to the two boys before turning on his heels and following houndour down the cave, hoping that this was the last turn before he found the ducklett, this cave wasn't exactly the nicest place Lucian had ever been to.