[img]https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/sincere-teen-616202.jpg[/img] Name: Gust Anderson Age: 14 Parent: Astraeus Abilities: Gust is able to manipulate air and can use it to fly and other effects. For combat, he can shoot blasts of pressurized air that hits with incredible force. One of his signature attacks is forming air into a glowing sphere of spinning wind and he tosses it at his target and upon impact it can pack enough of a punch to break rock and even metal depending on the amount of power he uses. This ability however does cost him a lot of energy and he tries to use only when needed. Personality: Gust is a free spirit and is not into following orders a lot of the time. This can him into trouble with authority and his natural inclination to rebellion has put into some bad situations. Regardless Gust is open to making friends and will stay by them when they need him. He doesn't like to stay in one place and will often use his powers to travel when given the chance. Because of this Gust tends to have trouble with school and views the institution as being almost like a fancy prison without walls and cells. Like with most demi-titans, Gust has contempt for the Olympians and does not have a high tolerance for demigods with egos. Unlike some of the other titan halfbloods, Gust is not as radical in his views of the titans' enemies and helping the titans regain power is not his highest priority. Short Bio: Extra: