[h2]Sakura Kyouko[/h2] Kyouko paused, hearing a voice behind her. Resting her spear on one shoulder, the redheaded girl turned on her heel. At the moment, her magical girl transformation wasn't fully active, leaving her clad in her usual favorite: Short shorts, a black shirt, and a green sweatjacket. It was easy to move in and comfortable, so it's what she preferred for the type of outfits that she wore casually. The girl she now laid her eyes upon had dark hair, and spoke... Kansai accent? It sounded like Kansai, but somehow it didn't seem like her mouth was actually making those sounds. Ah, whatever. "Hilda, huh?" she asked. The girl seemed familiar in some kind of strange way, but it wasn't anything she could put her finger on. While there wasn't any particular reason to trust the other girl, at the same time she was the first person Kyouko had met since arriving here. So it's not as if she had any other options at the moment. This was the only person who she could talk to, who seemed to be in the same boat as she was. Kyouko drew a pocky stick from a box in one of her sweatjacket's pockets, inserting it into her mouth to replace the one she'd lost before burying her free hand back in them. She didn't shake hands that easily. "Sakura Kyouko," she introduced herself, plainly, "I don't got any clue where I am, either. I dunno what the hell happened." No effort was made to hide her spear. Why bother? [@Rin]