[@Crimmy] Jin was not in the mood to play the coward's game. They had faced worse than this and lived, and the idiot pranksters who'd started this would regret it dearly. Tensing their knife hand, Jin's eyes widened and teeth showed in an eerie grin. "You fuck with me? It's your funeral." With only a moment's hesitation, Jin started down the right path, short legs striding toward the unfamiliar footsteps. "I'll be sure your relatives get your ashes." Soon the thumping step would be joined in a near silent padding. Jin had learned young how to step like a criminal, and despite living in peace for several years, the old instincts flooded back fast. Keep your head on a swivel, eyes in motion. Measure your breathing. Being afraid was smart, because being too brave could get you shot. But too much fear and you froze. Instead, use the fear and let terror taste it's own medicine.