((I was going to post this in the Contest Discussion sub-subforum but no one ever looks there so... I apologize if this infringes on anything.)) I just today saw Terminal had terminated (¿) the Twelve Labours series. One of my personal best pieces of writing was born as a submission to a Labour, so I—among others, I'm sure—am/are quite sentimental about that. I, being the dream-the-impossible-dream guy that I am, really want to make some kind of contest of my own. (I know I, like anyone else on here, have had my disappearing spells but managing is easier than writing for me........ lol) However, I obviously don't want to make a prompt-response-vote contest like the RPGC or do a prompt-response-judge-pass/fail contest like TTL (because, honestly, I don't have it in me to write scathing reviews like Master Terminal). My biggest struggle is coming up with a creative way to determine a winner, since the prompt-response part is kinda the root of a writing contest. I might just come up with a grading system, award points in categories out of 100 points, and the name the winner him or her with the highest grade/score??? I don't know. I really would like to have a second contest running alongside RPGC though. My dream is definitely to see this subform more lively and welcoming for anyone and all those who love to write. Would anyone be interested perhaps? Or is now not a good time for change?