(Holden d’Alnharte, Streets of Artis Port, Praelium) [color=662d91]“My apologies, Major d’Alnharte. I did not recognize you in the fog. And don’t worry, you don’t know me.” [/color] Holden stopped, and frowned. Either nobody knew a hair of his story, or they knew him by name. [color=f26522]“If that’s supposed to be comforting, it isn’t.”[/color] He looked over his shoulder. [color=f26522]“No need for the formalities as ‘Major.’ Didn’t care for the title much [i]before[/i] being tossed into a dungeon.”[/color] As the mage beckoned to him, he sighed and turned around, following behind. [color=662d91] “The House of Dominus requests your assistance. We’ll notify officials later. But for now, we must find transportation. I need to tell the House of this.”[/color] [color=f26522]“Well, I’ve borrowed a horse from Paline. I’m not sure if it’s going to be of any help.”[/color] Holden remained wary of the mage. He had no idea what Dominus was, nor what they wanted with him. That they knew who he was took away what little comfort he had. Glancing towards the waters, his frown only deepened. Approaching them was a group of armed men with their horses. [color=f26522]“I don’t suppose that they’re more of your Domidus friends,”[/color] Holden muttered to the Dominus. Clearing his throat, he spoke so the Saldomans could hear. [color=f26522]“Good afternoon, gentlemen! Is there anything I can help you with?”[/color] He tightened the grip on [i] Yusil[/i]’s hilt. Something told him the fighting was far from over.