I CAN FINALLY POST THIS HAPPILY. SAY HELLO TO HELL IN HUMAN FORM. SHES SUPER STRONG AND WILL DEFEAT EVERYONE BY HERSELF. [hider=Tabitha Morgan] [color=#ffafaa][center][h1]Tabitha Morgan[/h1][/center][/color] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/09/c8/85/09c8850bed7a2c9c5426e8e82149af25.jpg[/img][/center] Her blindness is absolute, rendering her unable to focus on anything. Leading to her open eyes to appear unfocused, This changes when she shares vision with rider, where she moves her eyes around in a way to mimic positions of the eyes of the creature looking at the objects if possible. Nicknames: Grace, Queen of the Castle (she likes to call herself a queen in her land of make-believe) Age: 9 Gender: Female Master of: Rider Command Seal Location: Palm of her Right Hand, appears to be three horses leaping. Wish: I just want everyone to be happy... Origin: Mortality - Personality: Tabitha is a 9 year old girl of Irish descent, and her age does show itself. She has none of the maturity present in the standard participants of the grail war. She just likes to think that this is the next big adventure, She's not coming around to kill people for this wish. She doesn't even want the wish at the end of the day, if it makes another person happy. She is just having the time of her incredibly short life. She still retains her childish innocence, she just wants everyone to be as happy as possible and believes that everyone is a good person at heart and everyone can be made happy with a little compromise. She has no fear of peoples appearances and anything else to do with an appearance because well, she was born without the abilty to see. The only reason she even has concepts of things is that she traces her hands over objects in order to get an idea of what it is. To which the Doctor or someone else would tell her what it was she was tracing her hands over. She is a firm believer in fairy tales and the supernatural, If she could be born blind with no way to see. Maybe everyone else was also blind to the unicorns, dragons, knights in shining armour. Therefore it gave her hope in her days in the hospital when she couldn't go home. Someday she'd be swept off her feet by her knight in armour, who'd take her on an adventure... Hopefully before she ended up kicking the bucket. Its this hope that drives her to try to explore everything life can offer to her before she leaves this amazing world full of voices and ideas forever. [i] She doesn't want to be alone... She doesn't want to go to sleep... She just wants everyone to be happy... [/i] Biography: [hider=History] Tabitha Morgan, born to an Irish magus mother whom had left the moment she was born and thusly never around, and a father incapable of caring for a child, even if he tried. She was put into the care of her fathers grandmother whom lived in Japan at the age of 5. Surely to a blind girl this was the beginning of the next big adventure right? In this land that seemed to like the sun. She liked the sun too. It was warm, it was nice. It was reassuring like another's gentle touch. Turns out life thought her happiness was a bit much, at the age of 7 she was diagnosed with a neuro-degenerative disorder, in which her nerves would slowly die, leading to loss of function in her limbs, and then eventually to either a heart attack or brain death via asphyxiation but the Little Tabitha stayed hoping, her grandmother would read her bedtime stories. Telling her about storys of big hulking dragons, and beautiful unicorns and knights that would always save the princess. She loved those stories, somedays when she was in hospital, she'd run around her ward pretending to be a queen. To which the nurses would just laugh and then inform her to be quiet, other patients had to rest too. Soon though, the news came through that her grandmother had died sometime in her sleep. Of course Tabitha cried. She cried because she had no one to look after her. She was effectively homeless at this point burning through her own limited inheritance to be able to reside in the hospital to receive treatment for herself. She put on the adoption registries at the age of 8 but nobody wanted to look after a girl that was going to die, she wouldn't make them any money in the long term, they would just get attached to her and then lose her... Life really hated Tabitha Morgan but she still loved life. [/hider] [hider=Three days prior to the meeting at the church] Tabitha woke up from her sedation induced sleep. Judging by the silence, it was the middle of the night. She was feeling thirsty... If she remembered correctly the water machine was at the end of her ward. She positioned herself to the side of her bed. Dangling her feet over the end. She pushed herself gently off the bed. Her feet making a small splash... Had the cleaners come again? She guessed they had, it'd be the only reason why water would be on the floor. She moved slowly and carefully, her hands out in front of her incase she walked into anything in order to prevent her from hurting herself. She had reached the end of the ward. The silence except for her tiptoes was frightening. Even the heartrate machines weren't making a noise. Had she gone deaf? No. She could hear her feet. Her foot stumbled on something. Someone had left out a toy? it was long and cylindrical. Probably a toy snake. She walked over it carefully, not wanting to disturb anyone. Her hand lightly grasping the water machine. She fumbled looking for a cup. It was with this fumbling she heard a voice... in the room next to hers. Someone was recanting the words for some sort of ritual or poem to themselves, conversaing with another person that [i]"The ritual is soon at hand my boy, soon we will have a servant."[/i]. The voice seemed happy with what it was saying. Then Tabitha accidentally dropped her cup. It then stopped and heavy footsteps coming in pairs began to be heard. The Footsteps were getting louder. She hid behind the water machine. She heard the door to her ward open, but not footsteps signifying that someone was coming in. She didn't want to get in trouble with these evil sorcerers that was in her imagination. The footsteps started again. This time the footsteps appeared to show that they were leaving the building (unbeknown to her, the man was going to grab the catalyst for his summoning.) She stepped out of her room into the hallway, the floor still wet. The cleaners had down a very good job at cleaning the floor it seemed. At least her bare-feet were getting clean in the 'water'. It was like a foot-bath. She walked into the room the men she heard had been in. She tripped over something, long and cold. Her hands preventing her from falling on her face. She lifted her hands up and turned her head around the room only to hear that the men were coming back. Well if she was going to be caught she could at least pretend to be like them. Maybe they'll like her more. "em, how did it go. Fill. fill. fill. fill. Fill," She began her hands dripping with 'water' onto what she didn't know as a summoning circle. "Breaking Asunder? with each filling?" She continued her voice unsure of the complete words. "Let the carda, cardan, cardinal four gates close" She was beginnning to stumble over herself as the footsteps got louder. "Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the kingdom rotate." She said as she breathed in. The man said something about declaring her vows or something like a wish. "Let it be known now that, you will serve me dutifully as a knight like I am a princess and I shall treat you kindly, we can make everyone happy is that okay? Answer if you submit to this wish?" She breathed in. "I swear to you an oath. Please don't leave me alone!" she yelled as the men opened the door to see their ritual ruined. As the beam of light showed the completion of the incarnation. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As ritual proceeded, many strange things occured. The sound of a bell tolling began to ring. It was loud, loud enough to have shaken the blood ar the young Tabitha's feet, and yet, silent... it's as if the bell tolled in this room, and this room alone... One, every second, until it reached it's twelfth toll. The sound of cawing and fluttering then flooded the room. One, two, up to six ravens flew out from the portal, encircling the summoning circle, cawing excitedly. It's as if they were calling for something, no, someone... A figure, a silhouette in what appeared to be armor, appeared within the circle, the light still flashing, obscuring him from any clear view. The ravens encircled him, before [i]melding[/i] within him, with his shadow. The light began to dim, and the figure, a knight in obsidian armor, shining like the night's sky, had appeared in the room. --- Death. Death is what called him here. The stench of death filled the air in this room, bodies everywhere, their blood forced out of their body, their souls, their essence, their prana has been used to call him forth, to have him manifested into this world, once again. The armored figure took a step forward. In front of him, a woman who was drenched in death. No, not a woman, but a girl. A girl so close to death, she could have practically been one of the bodies in this room... but no, she was different. She was still alive... this could only have meant that she was the one who had called him forth. Yes, that's the only possibility, after all. The link has already been established, the contract filled, and all he needed was but to verify... Voices began to speak to Tabitha, all in whispered tones. Five figures, it sounded like, spoke to her at once, incoherently. It was as if a maddening cacophony began to play in her head. Then the sixth voice spoke, interrogatingly, yet, gentle. It was louder, much louder than the rest, and clearer... and as it spoke, the rest of the voices followed along, melodiously. [color=darkslateblue][b][i]Young lady... is it you that called upon me? Are you the one that is to be my Master?[/i][/b][/color] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "I did, so I guess I am-" She started about to start conversing with the voice in her head aloud but... "What the fuck are you doing Miss!" One of the men called out, the sound of steel grating against steel could be heard as he pulled something out. "I was just trying to be like you!" Tabitha said in defence. Her wide eyes unable to actually look at anything, they were just wide in defence like she was scared of the shouting but her unfocused eyes unable to look at the eyes of the aggressor. Her mind was in a panic, and unbeknown to her due to her complete lack of magecraft knowledge, rider could hear every single word of it. "Oh no no no no no no no. Don't hurt me please, don't hurt me. I didn't do anything wrong. I..." Was what was coming over the mental link between both of them. It was obviously directed at the shouting man. Who was walking over to her, and picking her up by the collar of her nightwear. "A little runt like you just ruined hours of work, We spent ages setting all this up, and a brat just comes in and ruins it, maybe if we kill you we can just start over." He said pressing something cold against the artery in her neck. The other man was at the door fearful of the armoured horseman. The shadows began to dance within the armored figure's hands as he stepped forward. They stretche outward, molding and shaping like clay in his hand, until it became a discernable shape; a blackened, broad longsword, fit for a knight. He then closed the distance, rather quickly- he was nimble, for an armored man,- swinging his sword, and decapitating the man holding his Master with one, clean cut. The first death he has delivered within this war. He made certain to absorb the prana of the man he killed. He had to. His Master was young, and likely won't be able to supply him with the prana he needs to stay manifested... and her life was endanger, still, as well. The sound of running interrupted this. The other man booked it, leaving his ally to die. Such cowardice, but who wouldn't have ran when the harbinger of death stands right before you? The knight had just pointed at hand at the man's direction, and a black beast jumped out from his shadow. It growled menacingly before roaring, the roar belonging to that of a lion. It then proceeded to chase after the coward of a man, faster than any normal lion can run. The shadowy lion found its prey, cornering him at a dead end at the end of the corridor, and proceeded to pounce on him, breaking a few of his bones. It was as if it had the combined stength of five of its kind; a phantasmal beast, and one of far greater strength than most normal ones. It roared once again, gloomy drool dripping onto the man's face, as the sound of clanking armor was heard coming down the hall between the wards. The armored Servant had walked forth, his shadowy sword shifting into what appears to be a whip fashioned from a human spine. It cracked the whip forward, calling the beast back, the lion stepping off the man and walking behind the Servant. Trailing blood for the wet bloodied floor on its 'paws'. The man tried to crawl away, but he couldn't. His legs were broken, and so was one of his arms. All he could do was look forward at his imminent demise. There, he laid, face to face with Death itself. The knight raised his free hand, slowly, the man being startled as it rose. Then, he pointed a finger at him, and the lion's growls grew louder, as if more of them were called. Then one, two, as many as five lions leaped for the man, beginning to tear him to shreds. The last thing he saw was the knight, walking off, as his blood added to that which was already spilt. --- The Servant entered the room where the girl, his Master, had awaited him. She called him his knight, he recalled. A far cry to what he actually is, but still, she wished for one, and it would be fair enough to act upon her wishes, for the time they'll have to spend together. [color=darkslateblue][b][i]"I am your Servant, Rider."[/i][/b][/color] The voices spoke in her head, once again. [color=darkslateblue][b][i]"And you are the one that is to serve as my Master in this War."[/i][/b][/color] When Rider had returned, and the sounds of the lions had faded, he would find... Tabitha huddled in the corner with her eyes wide open in fear but staring blankly at the ground. She was unresponsive for a few moments but eventually calmed down. He was a bad man, he didn't deserve to die... But Mr Knight had to protect her... "Master?" She said trying to look in a direction where he thought he would be, but slightly off, due to him speaking through the mind and not through his mouth. "I'm your master...? So that makes me a queen right? or a princess? I'm a princess..." She said her innocent mind thinking of what it meant. "So, as a princess... I order you to tell about yourself after I tell you about me!" She said loudly, the only person whom would even be able to hear in the hospital floor was rider. No help would come. She was alone with the servant she had unwittingly summoned. "I'm Tabitha Morgan, A 9 year old girl. This is my hospital ward. Someone left water on the floor. I'm scared. I think that man was trying to hurt me." She said quickly without pause between her sentences as if her lungs would burst, telling the servant about herself in order to break the mood and try to make it slightly more happy. It was getting sad. Tabitha didn't like sad. "Just... Take me on an adventure before I end up leaving this world..." She finished quietly. Rider groaned. Or at least, that's what he would have done, in the event he had a head. His Master is wholly inexperienced, and by the looks of it, blind, at that. She even thinks the blood on the floor is water. Rider felt as if this war will be a short one for him. He always has the worst luck, it seemed... But still, it's rare that he would be summoned at all. He's already a hero that bridges on the rules for the Holy Grail War, anyway. Rider detests his form, and if he were to ever obtain his godhood back, he'll have to win. He'll have to at least try, even with a crippled Master. Rider resolved to take her to the Church, so that she could learn more about the War from its Overseer while he thought of what to do next. She'll have a safe place to stay, at least for the beginning of the War === Tabitha would hear the sound of sinister magecraft shifting, as if from a cartoon, before the slight galloping of an animal, followed by a neigh. A horse, from out of nowhere. Rider has already been mounted on the horse, and put his hand out. [color=darkslateblue][b][i]"Take my hand, then, Master. I will take you somewhere safer..."[/i][/b][/color] [/hider] - Magecraft Section: School of Magecraft: Shes 9 years of age, she hasn't studied any. Amount of Magecraft Mana: C (and nothing else) Other: [color=#ffafaa]"Rider is the best knight in shining armour ever! You can't compete with him. Hmmph!"[/color] [/hider]