Thomas' dungeon was invaded by the Putties. The security guards ran like cowards. "Doth mine captors not has't the coin to hire sellswords who art not cowards? Behold as those clotpoles flee whilst the innocents art harmed." She watched helplessly as innocents children and adults were hurt, possibly killed. They started breaking down doors and dragging people out of their rooms. She re-examined her room for any improvised weaponry but again she found none. She waited to the left of the door. When her door was kicked open she grabbed her would be attacker and proceeded to punch until it was destroyed. She noticed a long metal pole with some kind of weird bag attached to it. She didn't know what it was nor cared to find out. She did notice it would make a good weapon, temporarily. She grabbed it and went on the offensive. "Thee wilt not taketh me so easily."