[@GarlandDaHero] [@Savo] [@Crimmy] [@JBRam2002] [color=0054a6][center][h2][i]Kagami Isami[/i][/h2][/center][/color] [color=steelblue]"I get it I really do you you want to leave this place but please hear me out who is to say that in this hellhole that the main exit is the best way. There are other methods of escape that can solve both problems the emergency exit which is near the kendo club. This way we can both leave and at least make some effort in looking for any others."[/color] Kagami said she was guessing in the panic people forgot about the emergency exists. [color=steelblue]"Though while I have your attention"[/color] she said turning to Alexander [color=steelblue]"your attitude has been less than pleasing in fact if it wasn't for this situation you I would leave and never look back. This is a odd situation we are in your attitude and undermining rather than listening and providing your opinions in a more reasonable method IS NOT HELPING."[/color] Kagami spoke her voice raising at the end she was trying to keep a strong face but in reality all she wanted to do was run and not look back. This persons reactions toward her was less than welcome and did not help the matters at all. [color=0steelblue]"Look we dont know anything about this situation so with that said I say that perhaps trying the emergency exists at least warrents our attempts."[/color] She continued was really feeling pressure and stress at the moment but for now it was not important getting her group and any survivors was.