[@Crimmy] [b]Luke Schwarz[/b] I smirked. [b]"Yeah, I imagine you'd get that a lot, huh?"[/b] A rhetorical question. It was blindingly obvious that she got that a lot, for what little it seemed to faze her. In fact, it even wasn't beyond reason to suggest that she got it so often she didn't care about it at all any more. Well, that's a good half-truth if I ever came up with one... After all, whether it was necessarily wrong or not, her generally uncaring demeanor suggested it to not be a direct cause and effect type of situation. [b]"Still, for what it's worth... That intensity of hers has proven to be a big help for me."[/b] I continued. [b]"Without it, I doubt she'd be half as good at getting things through my skull. If she's always like that, then..."[/b] I would have a long and arduous, painful road ahead of me. One full of mutual frustration and annoyance. I won't lie. Gratia, at times, could be very hard to work with. It was like having to dodge wrenches to practice dodging balls. In addition to the grind of not getting something, I also had to contend with her acidic, contemptuous words whenever I didn't grasp something she found simple right away... But at the same time, those only came because I was hard to work with too. People always overlook how much of a two way street teaching is, and for what it was worth? That same intensity that let her so casually and flatly deliver the most scathing critiques was also what gave her the determination, the motivation, and the genuine patience to see me through to having the concept down. I'd enlisted her help for a mere two, or even only one-and-a-half weeks, and yet she was already so willing to force me through when any reasonable person would call me a lost cause. Hell, myself included. [b]"I'll be in good hands, for sure."[/b] If there were ever a living example of the adage about books and covers, one could look no further than Gratia Mindaro. Although, come to think of it... [b]"Actually, does she help people out like that often? With grades and such, I mean."[/b] Obviously a Huntress is going to help people in danger.