[centre][b][h1][color=seagreen]Quinton[/color][/h1][/b] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/4070f70f99d9227577813e6fada4146f/tumblr_ncx9ej9OEZ1rfwpdoo1_500.gif[/img] [hr][hr] [@Vicier] [hr][hr][/centre] Quinton shortly found himself heading towards Kaylee’s place, he knew that he would find the weredingo there, with the young were pup Connor. Checking on them was a good step, and Quinton remembered the way from the night before, having given the teens a lift home. The other teens would, Quinton figured, be at the hospital, in one way or another. Gage would be with syleste, no doubt Aron would be with his brother, which would mean Cody was with him. Xerses would be in checking on the two injured teens, and if Quinton and the measure of him, he wouldn't want to leave Cassandra alone. And if anything from the girl last night was an indicator of the girl, she'd want to make sure her friends were okay. And given that Miranda had gone home with Cassandra, it stood to reason that she'd be there too. So, Quinton would go check on the outliers first. As he drove, Quinton thought on what had happened. The attack.. Although it wasn’t just that. Something else was happening here… Cody and Aron… Kaylee and Connor… Gage and Syleste… Imprinting was something that was rare, and was there to make you stronger… Of course, it also made you weaker if you lost your mate… Quinton gave a soft sigh. Three pairs of imprinted couples. And… there was no doubt that Klamath Falls was something special. It had a high number of supernatural creatures, even for a city. There was something else going on here, what was yet to be seen. That, and the imprinted couples showed that something was coming. Something that necessitated the strength imprinting brought. Although Imprinting wasn’t something that could be forced, it was… there, in all of them. Ready for that one true mate. These thoughts tumbling through his mind, Quinton turned into Kaylee’s drive, pulling his car into the drive, Quinton sat a moment, before he got out. Walking to the door, Quinton knocked, glancing about himself as he did. He knew that there was going to be paranoia over the next few days, he couldn’t help it. He would keep this pack safe, and if that meant being uneasy, then so be it. He wouldn’t have Abigale put through another pack loss. And he didn’t know if he could survive it either.