[@Wadesauce] [quote=@Polybius] (Under 'The Imperial Hierarchy') The Emperor is also considered divine but tolerates religious freedom within his empire so long as it does not interfere with the politics of his divinity. Thousands of colloquial religions exist, each with their own pantheons and practices, but a tax is paid for every 'alternate' religious practitioner.[/quote] I haven't really thought about extra-planar entities and I am leaving it pretty ambiguous as to whether or not gods are real. I'm trying to avoid any real specifics about big questions because 1. It's a lot to ask people to read pages and pages of lore for a roleplay they might discard after a month and 2. Writing pages and pages of lore is just not my thing. I also wish for players to collaborate on stuff, sort of figure things out as we go. EDIT: Telepathy is OK with me.