[img]http://img08.deviantart.net/a315/i/2013/016/0/4/kaiserreich_flag__4__german_empire_by_alternatehistory-d5rqf9h.png[/img] Name of Nation: Kaiserreich of Antenland Government: Absolute Monarchy. The Kaiser is the head of state, and below him is the Chief of Staff, Minister of the Interior, Minister of Defense, Minister of Colonial Affairs, Minister of the Economy, Minister of Production, and the Council of Lords. Species: [hider=The Alai] [img]http://assets2.ignimgs.com/thumbs/neon/2016/03/31/7646cfb0544407825539fe0857038cba-1459490413/neon_0001_1280w.jpg[/img] Standing at an average human height or just above, the Alai are thickly furred, expert sailors. They have an affinity for the sea, and produce many shrewd merchants. They are well of hearing and have below average eyesight.[/hider] Culture: The Kaiserreich of Antenland believes first and foremost in their own superiority. As one of the main superpowers of the globe, they have long been at the forefront of global politics. They make excellent diplomats as a result, and combined with their highly regarded and tradition-blanketed navy, has allowed them to build a vast colonial empire. They often side with the weak of Narrev, for a united Narrev will surely bring the end of the dream of Antenland. Territory Claims: [hider=Orange] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/315236415589974016/315662412541853697/claimsmapcomplete.png[/img] [/hider] Economy: Their economy is an immensely powerful mix of farming and industry, due to the fact that they hold colonies rich in resources. Resources are pumped into the heartland of the Empire, where manufactured goods are produced. These goods are then sold at protectionist rates back to the colonies and around the globe. They produce many items, and they are rich enough to fund just about anything they want, and they have the resources and manufacturing power to see it through. Technology: They are a fully modernized country. They keep up with the latest advancements, even if they do not innovate themselves. They have modernized amenities, many of which they produce themselves. Army: Due to a military coup in the past that lead to a massive chunk being bitten out of their colonial empire, they no longer have a professional military. Professional militarism is seen as almost shameful culturally. When the military is called to action, they use a Witten-Len 1898 series bolt action rifle, similar to the 1895 Lee-Enfield. The rifle is an 8 round, magazine fed repeating rifle with a dependable straight bolt. They make use of horse-drawn artillery, but due to their stigma of professional military, they do not have anybody with the training to be in a cavalry corps. Therefore, they are strictly infantry. They often rely on mercenaries or colonial auxiliaries. In wartime, the army can get vast, millions of auxiliaries swarming to action. However, they are conscripted on a seasonal basis, with the vast majority of men entering the military in the winter and summer. Due to the industrialization, men conscripted from the heartland make up the mainstay military, numbering about two hundred thousand at full strength. These men are available year-round when pressed into duty. Unfortunately, this comes with damage to the economy due to the depletion of the industrial workforce. Navy: The Royal Navy, prefixed KRS, or Kaiserreich Ship, is vast and modern. Made up of about 160 vessels, it is extremely modernized and more than a match for more numerous navies. The flagship, a massive dreadnought, is capable of placing huge amounts of firepower in the enemy’s direction, and is a ship to fear. It is mainly made up of cruisers, torpedo boats, and destroyers. It has a few submarines, some hospital ships, and various other ships of varying specialization. The merchant force is an entirely different story, handled mostly privately. The South Cantor Company has a monopoly on most trade. Air Force: The Kaiserreich does not believe investing in an air force is important, especially with the stigmatization against military that isn’t the Navy. It simply isn’t culturally acceptable to spend one’s life training for a land war in biplanes. Rolls: [hider] Roll ID: 175022754146418688 20 - Territory - Your nation is the cream of the crop, and a majority of the globe is under your command. Vast lands are yours to command. 16 - Tech - Your nation may be a trendsetter in one or two things, and it is as modern as can be. It isn’t the most innovative, but it is by no means antiquated. 3 - Army Size - Your army is restricted to personal guards and retainers, but the nation maintains a system that allows for vast armies to be levied on a seasonal basis. 20 - Economy - Your economy is world-class, and the nation is in the middle of an economic boom. You are seen as a land of opportunity. The nation can fund anything it wants, almost. 10 - Production - Your nation is a mix of agrarian and industrial. 18 - Navy Size - You’re a top competitor for the largest navy, in both merchants and military. 2 - Airforce Size - You have no air force. 18 - Mobilization Ability - It takes a few weeks to mobilize.[/hider] Other: N/A