[@BlackPanther] Brenna frowned worriedly. He insisted they stay? It was not safe? Why? The Lessers had been dealt with... right? Gracie tugged on her arm and pointed to her own mouth, a questioning look on her face. It was a brief sign for [i]what is he saying?[/i] Brenna started signing then realized how rude it might look to not translate what she was saying. "He says we stay here," she said aloud as she signed. "His name Zavist," she finger spelled it for Gracie. The child looked at the male with wide eyes and signed [i]wolf[/i], her face a question. Not wanting to offend him Brenna just nodded without translating. Gracie swallowed hard and started at the male with wide fearful eyes. She was afraid to make him mad. Would he turn into a wolf and eat her like in the Red Riding Hood story? Brenna followed the male as he led them to a bathroom to clean up. Brenna wished she could give Gracie a bath but they had no clothing here. The smell of the black oily blood was terrible. Gracie was still shaking with fright. [i]Here safe,[/i] Brenna signed. [i]Brotherhood protect us.[/i] Gathering up Gracie in her arms, she left the bathroom after cleaning herself off as much as possible. She met the male again in the room outside of the bathroom, which she assumed was his room. She shifted nervously, being in a strange male's room. Gracie kept staring at Zavist, a mix of fear and curiosity in her eyes. Most of the large males she had seen at the shelter had been bad males who came to hurt their mates who were in the shelter hiding from them. The only postitive relationship she had with a male was with Dr. Havers but he was only polite to them nothing more. "I'm sorry to bother you," Brenna said, "but we have no clothing here. Would it be possible to borrow something for her, just for tonight?"