[color=6ecff6]"I will, don't worry."[/color] Lucy said half-absentmindedly. Her first initial thought about what the rest of her night would look like brought up more problems, causing her to have to think more, which just ended up starting this downward spiral of Lucy having to commit all her brainpower to the issue she had consumed herself with. This didn't happen very often, and in fact had never happened before, but it seems like there was some part of Lucille Barlow that had been awakened this night. She didn't even look to Wingate as she left, she just continued to look at the pieces on the table in front of her, taking out a notepad and starting to scratch down some notes. Some part of her subconscious had taken up an irresistible chant, pressing upon Lucy's mind how important this was to her. Maybe partially due to this unprecedented concentration, but more probably due to it not really being that big of a deal, the rest of the night went smoothly. The boss was impressed with what he was presented with, and gave the OK for Lucy and Wingate to go to the ruin early the next morning. As Lucy lied in her bed that night, back at her apartment, she reflected back on what had happened to her last night. [color=6ecff6]"I'm not changin', am I Seb?"[/color] she asked to her amalgamate cat. It didn't answer, of course, but she liked talking to him once in a while anyways. [color=6ecff6]"Must just be the powers of the fates talkin' to me. Maybe this'll be some sort of life-changin' incident, who knows."[/color] ...there was a pause... [color=6ecff6]"Yeah, that must be it. Just me cluin' in to how big this'll be."[/color] The next morning, Lucy got up early and put on an outfit similar to the one she wore last night. She sort of considered it her White Tooth uniform. She went to the boss' mansion, reporting in and hopping into the locomotive that had been assigned to their trip. It oozed class, as would be expected. One of the fantastic creations of the Universal Machine, it was one of the automobiles that had become popular as a personal means of travel over long distances, re-decorated to emulate the White Tooth Men's sense of clean professionalism. Lucy wasn't driving, of course, she had no idea how. One of the White Tooth's drivers was behind the wheel, with another beside him in the passenger seat, Lucy sitting in the back with an empty seat for their guest. They headed out, trundling through the streets, before they arrived in front of Wingate's place. Lucy would wait a couple minutes, and if Wingate had not come out by then, she would go up and knock on the door.