[center][h2][color=gold]Connor Bayer[/color][/h2]Interacting: Head Instructor Schulz [@FrostedCaramel][/center][hr] Connor stood straight as he watched Schulz examine all the other cadets with a harsh glare and booming voice. Coupled with his affinity for profanity, the instructor definitely made a worthy candidate for the most intimidating person present. Had he intimidated Connor yet? Well, do black cows make chocolate milk? No, Connor knew that the instructor was just trying to whip them into shape. He would do whatever it takes to make sure they were ready to be the best pathetic pieces of titan fodder that they could be. So no he didn't think the man intimidating, in fact he actually appreciated his theatrics. His perception of the man was slightly shifted as the instructor approached him. As they stood, soldier-to-cadet, and the former's enormous voice unleashed all of it's fury to Connor's face, the boy's gut slightly clenched. Sure he wasn't truly intimidating when he was chewing on other Cadets, but when the man got up-close and personal... yeah he was kind of intimidating. As the drill-dude shouted and demanded to know why Connor was "so average," the latter shifted, stepped back an inch to get out of the man's face. [color=gold]"Sir, I beg that you reconsider. It takes an average person to recognize his fellow average man. You sir, are obviously not an average man. You are also mistaken due to the fact that I would bet my honor on being able to outrun any cadet in present company, sir!"[/color] He really hoped that the man would take the bait and allow him to run, instead of something ridiculous. He stood and waited for Schulz response, mentally bracing himself for the verbal lashing that was sure to come his way.