[h2]Misaka Mikoto[/h2] Given her sudden change of surroundings, Mikoto couldn't say she'd expected Kuroko to show up so quickly. A the same time, seeing her friend was comforting, even if the younger girl had just shown up for the explicit purpose of lecturing her for taking down all those thugs by herself. If she was there, however, she wasn't going to simply wait. She was going to stop the people who were causing trouble like that. In any case, that wasn't the most pressing matter at the moment. Mikoto took a deep breath. "Kuroko, haven't you noticed that this isn't Academy City?" she began, approaching her friend. She wasn't sure where it was, it looked like a much smaller Japanese town. There was only one skyscraper that she could see at all, every other building being quite a bit smaller. Nothing like Academy City, to say the least. "I have no idea where we are, do you?" If Kuroko was here too, it was certain that whatever had happened wasn't only targetting her... but what could have happened to teleport them somewhere else? It obviously wasn't Kuroko... she had to find out! [hr] [h2]Kino[/h2] "Oh, Kino, he's huge!" exclaimed Hermes. Indeed, he was. There were few ways to describe the massive man in armor other then 'looming'. It seemed like he loomed over many things. People, cars, horses, sheds... in any case, however, Kino's eyes became fixed on that armor. It was in a way similar to the mechanized creations she had seen on her journey, but at once entirely different as well. In the end, however, the was only one thing that she could say at the sight of the massive armored man with a hammer. "Amazing!" It was fascinating to see such advanced technology cladding a human being, something she had never laid eyes upon before. Experiencing new things like this, it was one of the essences of travel, was it not? However, the massive man had asked her a question. While she was unable to provide an answer, she would respond all the same. "I don't know where we are," she said, "I was in a hotel room, and then woke up here." The girl paused for a moment, then decided to introduce herself. "My name is Kino," she started, "And this is Hermes." She gestured to her motorrad. "It's really not this country's custom, is it?" he added. "That's becoming more unlikely by the second, Hermes." [@Raineh Daze]