[color=00a651][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]S H I N D O "F L A S H F O R W A R D" T S U B A S A[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][/COLOR] [hr][sup]City W[/sup] [@Cherrywitch] [@Archmage MC] Flash Forward shrugged at Reaper's reply. He was about to stand up when the crew arrived and he chose to discard the large piece of meat and deemed it to be left unfinished. If any of the news people saw that, he was in deep, deep trouble and he'd rather not have that. He already did that interview once before at City S so he assumed that it would be fine if he didn't participate in this one. Thank goodness the guards were in the way, or else they'd be mobbed instantly. He looked back at Reaper who had her hand oustretched towards him but then added something else after. He let out a chuckle and shook his head, [color=00a651]"I can stand up by myself, thanks."[/color] He took her hand and then stood up thanks to her help. His feet were numb but they were working at least. Before he could continue, however, someone approached him, saw the meat, shook his head and then threw him one of the boxes he was holding which contained some food. "Don't do that again FF. You're not one of 'em monster types, got it?" The man said while pointing at the meat. "I don't care how hungry you are, just [i]please[/i], no." [color=00a651]"Got it Hank. Won't do it again, I promise."[/color] Flash Forward replied and then the man nodded. Hank looked at Reaper, nodded at her, and then left to help the cleanup crew. Once he was out of earshot, Flash looked back at Reaper with the same serious face he had before he was approached. [color=00a651]"It's just that, I haven't seen that kind of attack of yours before... and you looked like you were struggling with it. Is everything okay?"[/color] He guessed that dropping the bomb of the whole black tendril thing should wait for later.