[@TechnoWizROK] [color=9e0b0f]"Sir, I certainly don't mean to be rude, but ain't is not a word," [/color] Zahra said very, very softly. She could see from this guy's face that he probably didn't care, but it was worth a try. She could also see that all he wanted was what he'd lost back. And he wanted it badly enough to show up with a fireball. She reached up, and removed her glasses. She didn't need them, anyway. They were for show. Zahra stood up, and hugged him. Then she sat back down. She was almost dizzy from how strongly his blood smelled of anger and loss.[color=9e0b0f]"Well, there's one I won't have to worry about trying hard to track. He's practically wearing neon yellow in a sea of people wearing black,"[/color] she muttered. [@KatherinWinter] [color=9e0b0f]"Uh, Mr. Einstein? What threat to the planet are you talking about,"[/color] Zahra said.