[color=blanchedalmond][h3][i][b]... on the docks...[/b][/i][/h3][@Animera] Delaney trailed Anastasia off the ship, watching the chaos unfold. Most retreated into their homes or back to their ships if they had them, and a few had already disembarked. A great many confused and panicked people were on the docks as more shots were heard ringing out in the distance, which were drawing ever closer. He would have guessed that they were nearing the castle, but he couldn't be sure.[/color][b][color=burlywood]”Everyone! The attack is inland! To the boats!”[/color][/b][color=blanchedalmond] He yelled, raising his sword in the air to command attention. Some stopped and did just that, others took no heed, but he hoped to have been heard by at least some of those who rushed yet inland.[/color][hr][color=PaleTurquoise][h3][i][b]... the harbor...[/b][/i][/h3][@Zazou31] Pebble went to one of the wider roads on the edge of the slums,and saw a great many people scattering in all directions. He saw a brunette woman who seemed to have some directive or idea where she was going, unlike most of the crowd, so he tried to catch up with her. [/color][b][color=cadetblue]”What's going on??”[/color][/b][color=PaleTurquoise] He asked, trying to keep pace.[/color]