[center] [@Kreutzer] [@kidjab] [@Heckno12] [@Turboshitter] [@Lucius Cypher] [@Chaotic Chao] [@Kalas] [@Ryougu] [@Eklispe] [@KaijuBaragon] [@Uno] [@Norschtalen] [@Ryonara] [@pkken][/center] For all those who are in my roleplay, The story will be pushed ahead within two days. For those who have yet to catch up, or simply those interacting with each other, you have until then to do as you desired. Also since I am just confused as the others as to why our discord chat has vanished. Someone may need to get in contact with our friendly ever Mod who has been watching over us and see whats going on, I mean discord has gotten updates from what I can figure but not sure as to why that would mean our chat to be removed.