[@Jbcool] I'll try to get a post out for this game as soon as I can. [@agentmanatee] I don't want to sound like I'm being an ass, but I've been wrestling with how Lucius would act whilst Azazel is performing surgery, and have come to the conclusion that half an hour is a [i]very[/i] long time to assume nobody will do anything regarding interaction with Azazel. In particular, I can't imagine Lucius being anything but hawkish when it comes to making sure Azazel doesn't pull anything untoward on his brother-marine, and I'm absolutely certain that he'd have no possible justification to allow Azazel anywhere near Xepherial's skull with any form of saw, all things considered. What I'm saying is, barring meta-requests to the contrary- and if somebody has that sort of request, now's the time to make it, [@Wraithblade6] in particular- I fully intend to have him intervene before that point, because there's no way he'd just sit there and let the psychopathic apothecary burrow into Xepherial's skull like that.