Zeke had finally found the best spot when he felt Yellow's shadow fall across him. He looked up to object just as Yellow said something stupid. He laughed. Not out of cruelty, but just because he'd said something funny. "Boys don't have breasts, Yellow," Zeke pointed out. "Girls do." Camera ready for the perfect shot of a rainbow, he turned back to the fountain. "CANNON BALL!" Somebody shouted. Zeke jumped backwards, his carefully planned photograph ruined as two people splashed into the fountain. Water cascaded down on him a moment later. The shock of the cold water getting him over his fright faster than usual, he hurriedly made sure his camera was alright. The water had beaded on it, and he wiped off the drops. The screen still showed the last photo. Instead of the rainbow he'd clambered over the girl to find, Zeke saw a frozen wave of the two people breaking the water's surface. "Yellow! Icy!" He shouted. "Come look!" He held up the camera, but realised that they might not be able to see it properly. "Wait, I'll draw it for you." [@Kalleth][@KRAZY J][@Stern Algorithm][@liferusher][@Old Amsterdam] [@Lots of People]