Welcome to Discord City. Located in Western Nevada, Discord City is a sprawling metropolis, home to nearly 700,000 people. In the past, it's been a popular tourist destination but otherwise hasn't received a lot of national attention. That changed on July 5th, 2024, when a local terrorist organization calling themselves The Wayside set off a series of chemical attacks across the city, killing thousands and hospitalizing hundreds of others. An unexpected result of the attacks however, was that some people... changed. Reports of people with strange, abnormal abilities started cropping up all over the city. A woman in the commercial district developing the ability to generate intense heat from her body, a bank manager being bulletproof, a teenage girl suddenly able to run 100 yards in under a second. People developing powers naturally led some of those people to use those powers for their own benefits, hurting other people to put themselves on top. Police, unprepared and ill-equipped for dealing with super human criminals, have done little to stop the rise of super villains across the city. But where there were super powered villains taking to the streets, there rose also super powered heroes to oppose them. Individuals who had developed powers and didn't sit on their laurels, waiting to see what happened. Instead, they fought back, kept friends, family, and even innocent bystanders safe from the villainous menace. You are one of those heroes. How will your presence shape the city in the future? Will you be enough to stem the tide of evil? Or will you fail, and let the world be consumed by the tyranny of the super powered elite? -------- Looking for 3-4 players for a mutants and masterminds game set in the fictional Discord City. If you read the little story blurb up above you've got the basic gist of what setting I'm going for, but for the stuff that wasn't really covered, here's a quick synopsis. It's going to be a PL 7 campaign. You'll all be playing relatively new heroes -- not necessarily super powered heroes, you're free to be a 'badass normal' style superhero if you so desire. -- and will begin the game separately, to team up later on in the story. -- Think of it like... The Avengers, where all of the main heroes have their own movies, but they team up to take on big bad guys. The story will have a more modern comic book feel to it, with a more realistic focus on what might happen if super heroes were to suddenly appear in a mundane world like ours. Death, while relatively unlikely -- Superheroes don't die very often -- can happen if you do something monumentally stupid. Otherwise, most of the time you'll find that losing a fight doesn't immediately mean death. It'll just further the story. I haven't decided if I'll be running Mutants and Masterminds 2e or 3e. I like both, but I'll leave it up to my potential players as to which one they'd prefer. I'll be looking for a relatively diverse cast of heroes, so feel free to be creative. You can apply together -- but doing so doesn't mean that both players will necessarily be chosen. Please stick to human characters -- No animal heroes, or space aliens, or extra-dimensional hell demons... robots MAY be an exception, given a proper background. If you're interested, fill out the application and submit it here: [b]Name[/b]: Your Character's Name Goes Here [b]Powers[/b]: Give me an overall theme to your character's powerset. Are they a fire projector? Do they control plants? Can they walk through walls? Give me the basis for all of your characters abilities. [b]Quirks[/b]: What makes your character different from other people besides their powers? Are they blind? Do they have anger management problems? Do they have a strange, unnatural obsession with the color pink? [b]Background[/b]: Give me a brief history of your character before they got their powers. Name some friends or family that might come into play somehow. Do they have any enemies? Do they look up to anyone? Does their job require them to work closely with a partner? What about romantic interests? Furthermore, give me an idea of their profession, family life, education, etc. [b]Interests[/b]: What are some things your character likes? Chinese food? Hiking? Video games? [b]Personality[/b]: How does your character act around others? What about when they're alone? Are they a pessimist? An optimist? Outgoing? A complete misanthrope? Tell me here! And that's it! Don't worry about a character sheet at this point. I'll inform any people I choose on June 4th -- That gives you about two weeks to get in an application if you're interested.