[b]Izaiah Perntide[/b] - "When multiple Alpha's attempt to lead the pack, one of two things occur: You will get two wolves challenging each other in the utmost best manner to enhance the pack, or blood will be shed on that day." Iz knows how to push my damn buttons that is for sure. Isn't hard for me to respect the lad though. Just because you want to best a fool doesn't mean you can't give him props. Always has to bring up Quidditch at school though doesn't he? "Ohhh your team only one the Cup when you were off the team! Oh thissss, oh thatttt." Smug bastard. Still, the boy helps me get better even if I will never utter a word to him. [b]Mandy Ellison[/b] - "A warm soul can ease an icey heart at any point they see fit." The girl knows her Charms that is for damn sure. I will be damned if she isn't charming to boot. Hell, if it wasn't for her too, I probably would have flunked a number of written tests in Auror training. Always feel welcomed at her table...even if he had to sit next to Iz. He wasn't a dunce, they flowed together like a river in it's bed. Both could interchange roles if necessary but they seemed to enhance each other's game if need be. This helped keep my fire lit on striving to be better then both. Hey, friends can be rivals too right? [b]Keira Summers[/b] - "In the case that an alpha loses it's site, a well determined pack mate can set the focus back straight and whip away any doubt of the mission ahead." Keira was a smart, young woman. Hell, the girl was more than just smart in my eyes. If a reserved backbone laid in anyone's body it was Kei's. I remember several times in their Defense against the Dark arts course together that she legit stood up and let another classmate know they were wrong. Just flat out told the bastard! It was fantastic! You have to keep friends like that close in these times in order to get the job done right I feel. [b]Demetria Raquelle Graves[/b] - "Her eyes would light a fire in his soul it rivaled the flames of the Phoenix on the horizon" Roxy is a fire cracker that is for damn sure. I remember the first time we actually met. Wait...no yes, I do remember. It was damn Quidditch! The first match back in year one. A beater on the Gryffindor team that caught my eye. Her tenacity rivaled my own at the time, and I hated it. She was good, damn good and I wanted to best her performance at any chance I got. Most of the time they spent together was on the Quidditch pitch for years to come. Once Auror school came about she actually approached me for tutoring of Protective Enchantments. Why me, well I mean obviously it was because of my efforts to learn as much as I could on the subject. However, this would help me out because I was god awful with transfiguration still. Oh well, that is the past now. As the present shows we are dating now. Auror training really helped us out in getting to know one another better. Yea, better enough in fact that she knows every way under the damn sun on how to piss me off! Little vixen. Non the less, it is why I am learning to adore the girl. We shall see where this goes. [@Ezekiel] [@Zenia] Lemme know if this look alright. Any additions for everyone are more than welcome. We can fledge out our relations more as seen fit by you all. Just give me a holler