[quote=@Araby264] Yeah, Tox got cured of the Mercer virus as well. Araby is currently.. or WAS just a ball of confusion and anger because she didn't have her memories. [/quote] Oh yeah, that too. [quote=@DarkwolfX37] Really she was just humming to herself and I was waiting for Storm to say something to her. Yeah it's crazy how long you've been gone. Also, Shinji's... mom? Girlfriend? Some relation, is a big bad and has a grey goo android who's supposed to be really strong, and they're being helped by David Prime who's not the David we know and is maybe evilish? They're trying to remake the weapon the Nobles were beat by to kill Unity or the group or some such thing. On my end Sayaka Miki, Hero to All and Badass of Unmatched Proportions, is her equivalent of smashed to hell and is on the verge of bugging and/or sexually harassing a time controller of Soul's. There are now quintillions of Ashes, one of which is passively observing Isis, and a mystery woman has been silently hanging around the base with her back against a wall and her eyes closed in a stylish fashion before and after getting Liz to make a bunch of lovecraftian horror-esque items that Liz is now the only one with access to. Also big plot shit is coming once I tie up some stuff and fuckin Whizz does his color magic shit with Yami so I can have her grow up some. [/quote] I'd like to clarify that he is evil and they argue over who's the prime.