[indent][@QueenOfTheBee][@Fabricant451][@Nallore][@smarty0114][@Altered Tundra] Hey, everyone. The GM team has been thinking about ways to breathe life back into Free Pass, and we're of the opinion that rebooting it might be the best option. This current edition is moving slow and it, in the GM team's collective opinions, has a bit of a bad taste because of the people who left and a few other things. Our idea is a revamp/reboot with the same setting, perhaps even the same characters (unless anyone wants to drop/switch out a characters, anyone that's already in will be allowed to bring their current characters over with no issues). We want to have the RP start during the winter so we can enjoy the main appeal of having the RP be in Colorado: SNOW. We'll also use this chance to give us a few activities to look forward to without the... well, class by class factor, which we feel is hindering things slightly. We'll be placing the start date near mid-December; a few days before the Winter Ball and the last football game of the season -- the championship one in fact, which will take place the day before Winter Break. The team thinks this will reignite interest, generate some creativity and hype, and get things moving again! The interest check will be reposted, and we'll get some fresh blood too. We don't want this RP to die, it's near and dear to our hearts so we'll do what we can to keep it alive. We'd like to know everyone's thoughts on this. [@mskennedy615] Any and all people who were interested in Free Pass are encouraged to apply to this new RP. The GM team apologizes for our lack of response to new applicants, as we were in the process of deciding the path of Free Pass in these recent weeks, and did not want to approve without a clear direction decided upon.[/indent]