[hider=Guiles Marmor] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/234101184233734144/315741501579722753/c9f3757ded550cee958a62b93ed18a9d.png[/img] [color=a2d39c][b]Name: [/b]Guiles Marmor [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Personality:[/b] Partially due to his upbringing, Guiles is an incredibly hard worker, give him a task, and he'll get it done as efficiently as he can without a single complaint, of course, that isn't too impressive, as Guiles hardly ever complains. Guiles is incredibly cheerful, and sociable, he tries to make friends with everyone he meets, but he does understand that people need boundaries, and thus won't get overly friendly with people who are uncomfortable around him. His voice is loud, cheerful, and full of warmth, and he speaks with a familiarity that signifies closeness, even to strangers. However, he's also incredibly naive, to anything subtle, how to act in most scenarios, and especially technology. Guiles doesn't know how to operate a phone, and looks at cars as if they are foreign technology from another realm. He's terrified of riding in trains, as they go far too fast for his liking, and that stresses him out, a lot. And while he is a friendly, dumb nice guy, he isn't immune to negative emotions, he can get sad like most people, but most of the time his sorrow turns into anger, and he can act really nasty when he gets angry, not like, getting really violent angry, well, he sometimes does that too, but mostly, he just starts laying into people, like how his Ma used to give him a stern talking-to, when he misbehaved, and as he is, like previously stated, very naive, he thinks that this is how people normally react when angry. Despite being a giant of a man with plenty of physical strength, he's a very nervous person, often worrying over unimportant stuff, like if strangers will judge him for messing up. He can also be totally blind to how people are feeling, especially if they are attempting to push all of their emotions down, or hide them. And can accidentally say insensitive things, of course he doesn't mean to, but it happens regardless. He sometimes struggles to communicate properly, not finding the right words to say, or phrasing it all wrong, and coming off as an ass when he had no intention of being one, and on top of that, he's very blunt, which is both a strength, and a flaw. His self esteem is surprisingly low, despite being a big friendly dumb teddy-bear of a person, he's incredibly hard on himself, with himself being the only person he seems not to respect. His black and white point of view on the world can be dangerous. As he fails to see grey moralities, if something is good, then he should protect it, if something is bad, then he should beat it down. He also has a very short temper. Guiles is almost entirely driven by wanderlust, and self-improvement. He wants to travel, and to experience everything there is to experience in the world, good and bad. Well, he's okay with skipping the bad stuff. But of course, without being a hunter, there are many, many places that are restricted, and that Guiles will have no way of exploring until he becomes one. He is self-aware about how naive he is, and believes that by becoming a hunter, and exploring the world, he can understand people better, and become a wiser person in the process. His morality is about as simple as it gets. If someone's in a bind, he'll try and help out. If that person happens to be a homeless person who has no way to repay him? Oh well, he intends to travel around the world anyway, he doesn't need connections. So Guiles tries to be as helpful as possible, and refuses to impose on the kindness of others. He'd rather sleep in the middle of a park than ask an innkeeper he helped out for a room. However, his morality concerning those who he considers to be going down the wrong path is surprisingly brutal. He doesn't view them in the same kind light he views everyone else, he'll try and take down and destroy everything he deems evil to the point where others could even consider him crazed. A good example of how scary having a simple worldview can be. [b]Biography: [/b] Guiles was born to a small family, who lived miles away from the nearest village, in a shack, right in the middle of a massive field, that seems to go on forever. Guiles' parents were kind and simple folk. His father was a massive man, he had a large, scraggly brown beard, scars on his face, and a missing arm. He looked ready to snap a man in half if they so much as sneezed, but in actuality, he was a jolly old man, who just happened to have a very angry looking face, and some imposing scars from his time adventuring. Guiles' mother was a small woman with long blonde hair, and a soft gaze. But she was incredibly stern, if Guiles messed up, she'd chew him out so bad he wouldn't ever make the same mistake twice. His father had started planting trees in the field when he was much younger, and now, had his own tiny forest around the house. Which was great, as he worked as a lumberjack. Chopping down trees, and delivering them to the town for the construction and expansion of the town. Guiles had a very simple life for most of his childhood. He played with his family in the fields, and always begged them to take him with them when they made trips to the town. He didn't have many friends, as he lived so far away from civilization, but he was friendly to everyone he met. Sometimes, he'd help his father with chopping wood, but was of course, no actual help. Because he was just a kid. But he felt like he was helping, and it made him feel great. His dad was like, the strongest guy he knew, but he was old, and only had one arm. So if he could help him out, he'd be doing a good thing. That was how his thought process worked. Every night before bed, he'd ask his dad to tell him a story. And his dad [i]always[/i] had a new story to tell. Of his adventures before he met his wife. Guiles' father used to travel with a group of people who protected endangered species from poachers. The man who formed the group being a hunter, and the only one among the group who was legally allowed to do most of what they did. Guiles' father traveled with them for five years, before settling down here, and making his family. So every night, he'd tell Guiles another story about one of his adventures. Guiles, being a child who had only experienced life as a simple lumberjack's kid, was blown away by these stories, and quickly gained an intense fascination towards Hunters, and the rest of the world, that seemed almost magical to him. After managing to gather up enough courage, he asked his dad how to become a hunter, and his father smiled larger than Guiles had ever seen. He had been hoping Guiles would ask that, and explained that once every year, there was an exam. This exam tested everything from physical power, to fast thinking, and that only the best of the best passed, and became hunters. Guiles quickly decided that he would definitely take pass this exam some day, much to his father's amusement. From that day forth, Guiles went to work with his father, learning how to chop down trees, carry the lumber, and deliver it to town properly. It was hard labor, of course Guiles wasn't expected to drag trees around and chop them with one blow, but his father didn't give him any slack either. Day after day passed, and Guiles got better, little by little, until eventually, he was chopping down the trees himself, and carrying the entire thing into town over one shoulder. It was at this point that his father, now much older, but still capable of carrying a tree with one arm, sat him down, and explained how he lost his arm. He was on another job with his friends, going after a group of poachers hunting an endangered species called the Hunchback Roo, which his father then stopped to explain that hunchback roos were purple kangaroo like creatures, but were far bigger, and had, like the name implied, hunchbacks, but their backs were harder than steel. After getting back on track, his father explained that the poachers responded far more aggressively than usual, and attacked him and his friends. During the fight, the leader of the group was attacked while his back was turned, and Guiles' father got in the way of the attack, costing him his arm. Guiles, confused by this story, asked why his father had told him. His father responded that it was a warning, that despite all of the amazing things he had seen traveling with a hunter, it was also an incredibly dangerous job. And he wanted Guiles to be prepared. When his 24th birthday came around, he was given an old camera, and a ticket for a bullet train that was taking those who wanted to go to the hunter exam to the town that was holding it this year. So Guiles, after crying and hugging his parents for so long he nearly missed the train, set off to finally see the world. [b]Abilities And Talents: [/b] [b]Physical Capabilities[/b] Far and away Guiles' most impressive talent, is his physical abilities, he's strong enough to fell a massive tree in one to two blows from his trusty hatchet, and then carry that tree for miles to the nearest town to sell the lumber. While his endurance is enough to run those several miles without running out of breath. His agility is likely his worst aspect when it comes to physical capabilities, but he is still far too agile for someone his size. [b]Craftsmanship[/b] Being surrounded by trees and lumber, many times when Guiles was bored, he would try and carve something from the wood to pass time, and while he started off as terrible as can be, he slowly became surprisingly capable, not a master-class artist or anything, but far better than he originally thought possible. What is really impressive, is how quick he's able to carve things. [b]Foraging Knowledge[/b] What Guiles lacks in the general intelligence department, he makes up for in his talent for surviving off the land, which is a skill he'd have to pick up living so far from civilization, he knows which plants are poisonous, and which are safe to eat. He knows how to start fires, find his way home using the stars, and how to hunt wildlife. He tries to avoid hunting, though. Because he always cries when he kills the animals. A side-effect from his foraging knowledge, is that he's very aware of his surroundings. [b]Self-Defense[/b] While never officially trained, Guiles knows how to defend himself. The fields were home to some predators brave enough to snack on humans, so Guiles was taught how to use his felling axe to fight. Any capable fighter could see several holes in his fighting style, but it doesn't really matter when someone with immense physical strength is swinging an axe at you really fast. He can fight with his bare hands too, but he isn't talented, just using his size and physical strength to fight. [b]Adept Lumberjack[/b] As Guiles spent most of his life as one, it's no wonder he became rather talented at it. He knows how to fell a tree so it will fall just where he wants it to, he knows how to operate a sawmill, and he knows how to be a good Whistle Punk, (Safety Lookout) and a good High-Climber (They climb up the trees, and chop off the branches.) [b]]Miscellaneous: Guiles is incredibly scared of trains after his trip on the bullet train, which went so fast Guiles had to force himself not to scream the entire way there. Guiles loves to sing, country songs mostly, but is also a terrible singer. Guiles cried when he accidentally tore a teddy-bear his mom got him..for his 16th birthday. Guiles has rations, a felling axe, and caulks (spiked boots that lumberjacks tended to wear) along with an old camera, and climbing spikes on his person, and in his backpack. Guiles was meant to be a play on Guileless, while also actually sounding like a name someone could have. I don't have a theme song in mind for him, but it's probably something overly cheerful, and very country. [/b] [/color] [/hider] Hopefully it's not trash. I tend not to be too self-aware with my own characters. But I'm fairly proud of this one.