Thanks for all the quality feedback that yall've been submitting so far. It's really helped me out and made it obvious what I need to be working on over the next couple weeks! [hr] [@JBRam2002] Well, I guess people should be able to choose if they get on-site notifications and/or email notifications for a given topic or roleplay, so that would be two checkboxes. Maybe instead of checkboxes, there's a drop-down box next to each topic/roleplay where you can choose: 1. No notifications (default) 2. On-site notifications 3. Email notifications (+ on-site notifications) Of course, visiting a topic/roleplay should automatically clear all notifications for that topic/roleplay so that you don't have to delete stale notifications yourself. How does that sound? [hr] [h3]Updates:[/h3] 1. [b]Post deletion[/b]: You can now delete your own posts within 10 minutes after creation. The 10 minute limit for now just lets you delete your own double-posts or wrong-tab posts. What's a more reasonable limit that prevents people from vandalizing a roleplay by deleting all of their posts? 2. [b]FAQ[/b]: I just started stubbing out an FAQ page linked from the navbar: [img][/img] All staff members can edit that page, so we'll be filling it with more stuff soon. It's pretty empty right now. :lol