Hello there. I suppose if your in this thread you generally know what i'm about to say. I'm looking for people to play with who share some interests with me. If you don't find something you like then that's fine, I hope you do somewhere soon :) So anyways, things I've been craving at the moment: [hr] Fantasy with a sci-fi spin: Elves and swords and blowing grass by a small village crested by the mountainside, but alien tech lodged deep under the earths crust. Airships enabled by mystical forces and magic is just another school of science. Full of action and adventure with a large serving of mystery. World-building!: I stated something specific above but really I just want to build a cool place to set a story. I want to create fun characters each with unique abilities and personalities to embark on a story that's 100% our own. I really like having someone who's easy to bounce ideas off of and we can help each-other think up things that we come to love. Multiple characters: I think my favorite part of any creative endeavor is making new characters, so I like to play a handful for each RP. If you can match that that's lovely, but I suppose this is really more of a notice for future reference. [hr] Welp, that's all that comes to mind at time of writing, but if you want to talk about playing a game at all, we can chat here or in the PM's. Talk to you soon~