[@BCTheEntity] Also, Lucius isn't a trained medic. I mean, the list of injuries Xeph took is a quarter mile long, and ultimately cumulated with a pretty heavy blow to the head. Considering the sheer number of added features in a space marine's head, especially a tech-marine's, opening his skull for an operation would be completely justifiable. Any marine with an extended amount of experience would know that when a marine needs surgery, it'd be one Hell of a surgery. That, and there's all of Azazel's underlings who would get in your way. From my understanding, they're all full-fledged marines themselves, and fully kitted with gear and power armor. If that's the case, and I admit it very well may not be, Lucius couldn't realistically fight them with hopes for success. Whether he'd try is up to you, of course, but he'd know going in his chances of success would be slim, in addition to the fact that he couldn't be sure he'd actually be 'saving' Xeph at all anyway.