[@jbeil][@BCTheEntity][@Kratesis][@Andreyich] It was a while until the Inquisitor spoke again, his mind going over all the had been said, the cogs turning everything over and over. On the outside it may well have seemed as if he had simply shut down, his face going completely blank, his bionic eye burning into air with its baleful red glare, but inside it could not have been more different. "I thank you all for your counsel," he spoke at long last, giving a small nod of thnaks to each member of his coterie in turn, "and although I have not been able to form a completely fool-proof plan, I do believe that it should suffice for the moment." A mild look of consternation now took shape upon his features, his brow furrowing and his mind readying itself for the task ahead, "you are each of you correct in your own ways - every course of action has merit, every suggestion a capital one - but I have the flock of the Imperium to think of...as well as this planets strategic value." His voice took on a deeper and more serious tone, his surviving organic eye flickering with an inner fanatacism that was rare to see as he spoke up again. "We shall follow both courses of action in parrallel. Confessor, I wish for you to select a number of guardians for yourself from the remaining Sisters, once this is done I give you authority to conduct whatever investigation you may wish - you appear to have a knack for concealing yourself, so let us inform the citizenry that it [b]is[/b] an investigation into an imported batch of possible xenos contraband; any underhive groups would be very interested, and any upperhivers will likely give you any assistance you may require to keep their good name." Another deep breath was taken, the idea of slaughtering fellow Imperials frankly abhorrent to the servant of the God-Emperor, but a neccesity nevertheless. "I and those still with me shall head to the PDF barracks and, with the authority of His majestic and benevolent Inqusition, shall execute those suspected of heresy. Of course, it would be wise to seize a broadcasting chamber and get a wider message to the Ordo before taking any action. I believe the planets Guard regiments may be of some use...but how far they can be trusted, or cannot, is still debatable." Did they agree to his course of action? Did it matter? Did he even care? It mattered little, he was the Emperor's surpreme authority here - in spite of what the Confessor may think of himself - and his decision was final. "Follow me." There was no time to be wasted, no time to clear the landing pad of the residue and casualties of battle, and Kliment had to simply hope that no-one came up here before their actions were taken. Possibly a vain hope, possibly not. As it was, they took the elevator down to street level in a short burst of energy and whirring mechanics, every moment where things were not happening being a wasted one. Once the doors opened and presented them with a hive street familiar to any that had set foot upon an Imperial world - narrow but wide enough for a four wheeled or hover vehicle, not entirely clear of rubbish but not piled high with it either, and currently clear of any pedestrians due to all hive worlds strict series of work schedules and proceeding curfews therefore - Kliment turned to Horacio and bent close enough for only him to hear. "Confessor, if your investigation should become threatened or fail, I want you to whip the citizens up into a fervoured frenzy; use everything at your disposal, inform them that there [b]are[/b] heretics among them, that you have been sent here with an Inquisitor to root it out. I would rather have this world tear itself apart in bloody civil war - with a chance of retaking it at a later date - than see it fall to the Archenemy." Turning back to the half-dozen at large, he raised his voice and checked that his bolt pistol was loaded, "I need a vehicle and I need it [b]now[/b], meanwhile the Confessor can choose his escort. I do not care how you get our transportation, just do it."