[@Mahz] Although I like the idea of the ghost mode changes, there are a couple things that feel broken with it. [hider=Image][img]http://i.imgur.com/RwW6Wou.png[/img][/hider] Here is my friend activity list (/me/friendships). As you can see, it's pretty obvious nearly precisely when certain people were online. I propose that all 0-12 hr people have a referenced time stamp of 12 hrs ago on the friends' list. Update: a couple of friends came online and that top Ghost mode still shows up at the top, indicating they are currently online, which defeats the purpose. Not screencapped since privacy wouldn't let me show it easily without edits, and because it's tough to edit on phone: the main page friends list on mobile now looks extremely crowded. The 0-12 hrs ago and icon take up a lot of space. I propose changing the text to "Recent" with the ghost icon, maybe with an alt text saying something along the lines of "This user has been online sometime within the past 12 hrs."