[hider=Pridopus] [b]Name:[/b] They'll tell you Pridopus, though their real name is Ga'Ria [b]Species:[/b] Some kind of weird subspecies of human. [b]Age:[/b] Somewhere in the area of 34, but scaled down to maturity equivalent of perhaps sixteen. [hr] [b]Appearance:[/b] Comes up to about 4'11, but assures you that they are still growing. Their whole body is covered in one extent to another in fabric, so it can be quite difficult to discern [i]what[/i], exactly, they look like, let alone whatever their gender is supposed to be. The clothes they wear are loose so as to not smother their thin frame, consisting of a violet tunic and grey pants - however, they also wear a large twilight-colored cloak ornamented with white dots all along each side with a strange, almost octopus-like insignia adorning the back. They always seem to have their hood on just far enough to mask whatever hair they might have, and what appears to be a black bandanna covering their mouth. The only visible parts of their face consist of tiny brown eyes and a set of thick eyebrows. Their hands are small, always covered by a ragged set of black gloves. Around their waist is a rather gaudy belt, red with brown stripes, and securing some kind of carrying case to their right leg. [hr] [b]Personality:[/b] Seems pretty withdrawn right now, but most of that's due to shock. Really, once you open up around them, they turn out to be a pretty easy-going...person. Thing. Can be pretty dramatic, and is often accused of taking things too seriously. [b]History:[/b] They were born on TRAPPIST-1d, the latest in a long line of once-human inhabitants of the exoplanet. Unlike the children who had the privilege of coming into the world in the maternal atmosphere of the military-sponsored hospitals, Ga'ria ended up in the hands of the highly secretive Order of the Purple Pentapus. Originally, the Order was instated to drive military influence out of TRAPPIST-1d so that it could govern itself as its own independent planet (with the Order at the head, of course), but it's been so many years without results that everyone just kind of...forgot the point? So now the Order is a ragtag gang of silly tricksters that cause minor annoyances to those on Base Four, the name of the largest colony on the planet. Ga'ria [i]hated[/i] this, and had a desire to join their fellow children on Base Four. When they expressed this desire, they were promptly laughed into submission by the Order. Embarrassed, they let the issue go, letter their discontentment fester for years and years...until finally, they noticed a supply drone meant for Base Four had missed its target and landed outside the Order's boundaries. Having no idea how the supply drones were delivered - no one had taught them, after all - they went up to the crashed machinery to investigate, and vanished off the face of the planet. You see, supply drones must be delivered promptly to prevent any spoilage of their contents. As a result, Earth scientists were forced to develop a kind of unstable teleportation technology that got, if nothing else, tiny drops of small items from Point A to Point B. They were [i]not[/i] intended for interaction with any living beings. Now, Ga'Ria is kind of on the run without meaning to be. Honestly, the last thing they wanted was a whirlwind adventure. But ever since they interacted with that drone, they find themselves flickering in and out of different parts of the universe. They mind poof into a star and burn up, for all they knew. Maybe they were just really lucky so far? And now, for whatever reason, they find themselves outside a restaurant. Well, they [i]are[/i] craving a soda... [b]Brief description of the world your character came from:[/b] TRAPPIST-1d is one of seven New Earth colonies put into place after the subsequent environmental destruction of the home planet. Because of its higher gravity, the people on it tend to be smaller than those on Earth. There is only one sliver of the planet that is inhabitable, due to one hemisphere permanently facing towards the sun and the other facing away. There are sporadically-placed oceans here and there from which tiny edible fish can be gathered. The major base is Base Four, around the size of New York City, and aside from the medicines and news from the outside is a completely self-sustaining society. Of course, there are plenty of fringe areas populated by those who have rejected Base Four's political message - such as the Order of the Purple Pentapus's camp, which is only around the size of Rhode Island and covered in a dense fog. [/hider]