[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/i1FwYJk.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/biUoY4k.gif[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/tnxHex8.gif[/img] [hr][/center] Florence kept a blank expression on Audrey as she gave the typical(ALexandros’ words) Audrey wrathful rant. Alex did say she’d resort to nastiness when confronted. He did say that. And yet, like everything with Audrey, Florence was disappointed. She was in the presence of the woman who had been reportedly seen with the man that she claimed to be into. You would think that, given her reputation to blow up on those who threatened what she claimed as hers(see Janice’s current residence with the Los Angeles Penitentiary), she would’ve done something more violent. But of course, as Florence looked over her shoulder, seeing Audrey rush off in a fit of anger, she let out a sigh. Maybe she wasn’t pushed far enough yet. When she was done fixing her hair and making sure it was all to her unreasonably high standards, Florence would step out of the bathroom. As she would, Alexandros was waiting for her just outside the door, looking at her. “[color=dodgerblue]So did it work?[/color]” “[color=f64a8a]I suppose.[/color]” Florence hummed thoughtfully. “[color=dodgerblue]What does that mean?[/color]” “[color=f64a8a]Well, she took the bait, but--[/color]” “[color=dodgerblue]But?[/color]” “[color=f64a8a]It was disappointing to say the least. You sure she’s as into as you said she was?[/color]” “[color=dodgerblue]Trust me, she is. If not for Osama junior, we wouldn't be doing this.[/color]” “[color=f64a8a]Right,[/color]” FLorence ignored the pettiness in Alexandros’ voice, “[color=f64a8a]well then, I guess it’s time to go to our class. I’ll do some plotting. Until then, try to keep a low profile, yeah?[/color]” Alex gave her a slight shrug and made his way to his class and Florence did to hers. She found his lack of seriousness in going with the plan a bit disconcerting. It was as if he wasn’t taking it as serious as she was. If he didn’t change that, it might not go as according to plan, which was [i]not[/i] going to fly by her. Florence did [i]not[/i] return to Beverly Hills to have it been for nothing. If Alex wasn’t going to take this serious, then she’ll have to double-down to make up for his lax approach. [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/WdFjH4j.gif[/img] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/befc0adf8e0f3d87a278f39d69a90c9e/tumblr_mxporegqlw1qbngkjo3_250.gif[/img][/center][hr] Every class felt like an absolute bore. At the rate it was going, Alexandros was regretting coming back. At least, back in Greece at the private island that his family owned, he would have something to do -something way more exciting than sitting in English, waiting for the lunch bell to sound off. Instead, he has to listen to boring old Mr. Tomers talk about Beowulf and all of the great things he did. It didn’t help that partners were assigned, and Alexandros was placed in a group of three with some goth-impostor chick by the name of Sierra - or at least that’s what Tomers called her by, and some Indian-looking fellow by the name of Ravindra Singh. While the other two were actually talking about the assignment and trying to decide which days they should get together to work on it, Alexandros had little interest in even contributing. His mind was on more important things, like thinking of ways to get back at Omar. It wasn’t going to be easy per-se, but nothing exciting ever was easy, least of all for Alexandros Mossos. That’s what made his life fun. There was never a dull moment. And as if at the right time, the bell sounded off. It was at that moment, that Ravindra guy tried to approach Alexandros, even going as far as to tug on his shirt before Alex could get his bag. “[color=springgreen]We should--[/color]’ “[color=dodgerblue]What?[/color]” “[color=springgreen]We need to, I mean..[/color]” “[color=dodgerblue]Yeah, if you ever find those words, hit me up, y'got it Caramel?[/color]” "[color=darkred]Are you colorblind? He's cinnamon, not caramel, ya fucking cracker![/color]" Alexandros more or less ignored Sierra as he went along his merry way. He had enough of the day already and it was barely at the halfway mark. It got to the point where he was nearly ready to just ditch the rest of the day. And he was just out the door, but then someone tugged on his shoulder with a firm grip, causing him to turn around. “[color=dodgerblue]What gives?[/color]” He said, looking to see who was the culprit. “[color=mediumturquoise]Don’t tell me you’re thinking about ditching again?[/color]” “[color=dodgerblue]Oh, it’s you.[/color]” ALexandros sighed, “[color=dodgerblue]listen Ava, I don’t have time for this. I’m growing weary of this place." “[color=mediumturquoise]Yeah, well I don’t really give a flying fuck. If you ditch, you know our totally [i]loving[/i] parents will blame me because I’m supposed to be the one looking after your ass.[/color]” “[color=dodgerblue]Not really my problem, now is it?[/color]” “[color=mediumturquoise]I don’t ask for much, but just stay until after lunch. At least then they won't be on my ass as bad.[/color]” Alexandros just sighed. Whenever Ava gave him those puppy dog eyes, he couldn’t say no. “[color=dodgerblue]Fine, but don’t say I never did anything for you.[/color]” Alexandros gave Ava his usual smug. “[color=mediumturquoise]Right. Well, let’s go then. If we don’t hurry, they’ll only have cheese pizza left.[/color]” “[color=dodgerblue]You know, you’ve had authentic Italian pizza in Milan, yet you still eat the ass-tasting pizza here.[/color]" “[color=mediumturquoise]Hey, you know what dad always says,[/color]” Ava stopped, cleared her throat, and Alex knew what was coming.. “It doesn’t matter if it’s from the old country or from a factory, pizza is pizza.” Alex joined Ava just to tease her. Ava had rolled her eyes. And, just like that, Alexandros and Ava were en-route to the cafeteria. One of those rare times when brother and sister were walking arm-and-arm. One might even say it was cute, but don’t tell Alex that.