Sundos watched the two kids run towards the harbor. Then he turned back towards the castle and started yelling again, [color=fff200]"To the harbor! Get yourself to the harbor!"[/color] Then he saw them. Two pirate invaders where trying to kick in the door to a stone house. Sundos readied his axe and ran at the two pirates. He took them by surprise and quickly killed them. [i]Now, it is time to get back to the ship.[/i] He turned around and started running back the way he had come. He looked over his shoulder, ready to stop if he saw any more invaders. He caught up to the princess and prince. He had no idea who they were, other than 'rich kids'. [color=fff200]"Lass, Lad, come with me. There is a ship we can get on. And your dog too. But we must hurry. The pirates are not too far behind." [/color] He ran behind Tiffany and Alastair, not allowing anybody to run towards the center of town. [color=fff200]"To the harbor, it is safer there."[/color] Young Alastair was too slow. [color=fff200]"Lad, let me help you."[/color] He picked up Alastair and threw him over Sundos' shoulder to carry him to the harbor. [@Animera]