Kenny, Nix, and Dallas poured over their issues and solutions. One such issue was dealing with international relation. The Aquarian government, in the five years it's exsisted, has had little interaction with other nations, besides the SK. As they reviewed the maps of the world, the best start would be the nearby princely state of Mehrsaba, due to the rulers not suppressing humans. Kenny was unsure, but was overruled by the power duo Dallas and Nix. Kenny wasn't angry, but he certainly wasn't taking the blame if this plan fails. The meeting with the SK delegate was already set up. Kenny penned the letter, by choice, while Nix and Dallas worked together creating what the letter was attempting to accomplish. In the end, they agreed on sending a non-violence pact and an offer to set up trade routes. Dallas, of course, insisted the letter was sent by boat to show off the Aquarians navy power. The mayor, Seth Reynolds, was forced to accompany the fleet and meet with diplomats (which he was NOT happy about) if Mehrsaba accepted the offer.