Howdy-do, I'm Dru! I got a few cravings, so we'll jump in and get this out of the way. * 18 + simply because I'm too old to be RPing with anyone younger at this point. * Looking for Males only right now. * High Casual to Advance +. * PMs for RP. * Only offer to RP if you have actual TIME to RP. :3 * Ask if you have questions... HERE WE GO! Let's start with originals... [hider=Born by the Sword]A small village known as Biei is about to have a whirlwind hit it in the most unlikely fashion. With three sides raging war across the land of Amahara, one being magistrates, the other two being clans of their own, Biei is used to the everyday hustle and bustle. What they weren't ready for was the strange foreigner whose appearance would be a mystery even to her... After awaking in the brothel where she'd been sleeping for upwards of three days after being discovered near the river with a large laceration to the back of her head from possibly falling off the cliff, she has no memories. She doesn't know who she is, where she comes from, or anything else. What she does know is she can speak Japanese fluently, as if it was her native tongue, and that she knows that she blind (to a degree). After leaving the brothel, and hurting a few guards to do so, she collapses on a bridge near the outskirts of town where she's found by a man. Though he's not exactly the most social of men, he doesn't want to leave her and helps her to the local doctor where she is properly tended to. As her memories slowly come back, and her true identity becomes known, the three sides of the raging war of Amahara target her as a pawn for their army. However, she is focused on the village of Biei, wanting to do what's best for it, all why doing what she can to avoid being dragged into the well as returning to the war she left behind... [/hider] [hider=Davy Jones]As a pirate's ship sails the sea, it is intercepted in the midst of a strange fog. The crew becomes overwhelmed as an inhuman power tears through them. It's only minutes until the entire crew is either killed or being held, making room for the captain of the opposing ship. He is a handsome man with fiery red hair that seems to flow as if still in the water. As he approaches the captain, he shows little emotion, but stops long enough to say; "I believe you have something that belongs to me..." Heading into the underbelly of the ship, he passes many captured men and women in individual cells, all cowering in fear as he passes. Moving through a door in the back, he enters a second large room the captain would go to 'play' with the captured. In the room, sitting lazily in a chair, is an attractive woman with a chain and cuff around her ankle. She's clearly just been put in the room and hasn't been touched. When she sees the man enter, she smirks. "...I warned him..." "Let me guess... You lost your ship again..." The reality is, the two are connected by a strange promise... The red-haired man is the one and only Davy Jones. The woman is the daughter of a famous treasure hunter and the holder of a mysterious past. To protect his daughter from a curse when she was only a child, Davy Jones promised to free her of it and watch over her in exchange for her hand in marriage. He agreed, but argued that he could only marry his daughter should she learn the truth behind her family. As she travels in search for answers, he follows from the depths, there to keep her safe when she finds herself in trouble. However, it is also safe to say, he is less than friendly toward the men who try to approach what belongs to him, and often attempts to remind her that her freedom only goes as far as he allows it. However, she is a tough, much like her father, and refuses to let anything stop her once she sets her eye on the prize.[/hider] [hider=Legends at Sea]In his youth, he was the most feared pirate that ever sailed the sea, and now is but a shell of his former self. After his capture twenty years earlier, he has survived on nothing but hopes of one day escaping his prison, though he knows his hopes are fading as the belief that there is an escape is more ridiculous than how he was caught... One evening, he hears a group being brought down and thrown into cells. This isn't uncommon. Many come and the gallows...and he sits and watches. To his surprise, one woman is put in the cell next to him. She's the best thing he's seen in twenty years...but she seems to think there is a way out... She even asks if he'll 'steal a ship' if she can get them out. That he can do, but he highly doubts she can get them out...until she manages to unlock her cell door with a hidden key. With her help, he follows her to the warden's[@Username] office and out to a private dock where they steal a boat and head off to sea. For his help, she is willing to buy him a Ship and pay for a new crew...BUT in exchange, he must let her tag along until she finds her own missing ship. There was no downside of the agreement in his mind. However, once they make it to a local island where many seaworthy people hang about, he quickly realizes she is more than just some rich woman. There is something about her that no one is saying, and she is ensuring isn't said. She is about to drag him into a world he only heard about in legends.[/hider] [hider=Jasper's Asylum]When a journalist/reporter is trying to find his next big break to bring him out of the hell hole he's living, he's willing to do anything--even steal someone else's story. One night while working late in the office, he notices an e-mail pop up on his rival's computer when the rival is in the restroom. Curious, he opens it, if for no other reason than to occupy his time. The e-mail is from a doctor at a place known as Jasper's Asylum. He knows the Asylum's name for his rival had done a story there a year ago that got him up in the ranks. The doctor states that there is a new story for him to cover. Doctor's have been performing tests and experiments on the patients and the injustice must be revealed. His arrival is requested IMMEDIATELY. Desperate to make it big, he prints the e-mail and deletes it from the computer to take the job for himself. He grabs his things and hurries out, heading for the Asylum nearly a day's drive away. When he arrives late night, the doors are locked and no one seems to be around, not even at the guard station outside. Just as he's about to leave, he notices a broken window and uses it to gain his way into the waiting room beyond the main doors. Immediately, things seem a bit strange. The lights are out in here too and things seem a bit cluttered. Without warning, sirens begin to sound and the barricades drop around the windows, locking him inside. He hears a female voice telling him to get upstairs and through the barricade and to come to the office with the gold plate on the door. Before he can even understand what's happening, two patients attack him out of nowhere. He scrambles, hurrying up the second floor and sliding through a barricade to get away from the two psychotic men. The hallway is littered with dead bodies and covered in blood. Shocked and unsure what to do, he enters the room with the gold plate on it. Once he shuts the door, a woman rises up from behind the desk. She's dressed as a patient, but she introduces herself as a doctor who was forced to become one of the people experimented on... And though she doesn't tell him, she was the one who sent the e-mail... With his recorder and camera in hand, he joins her in going deeper into the asylum in search of an escape.[/hider] [hider=A Deadly Past]He’d been a reporter for many years, a job he took after he no longer wanted to work in law enforcement. Work had been slow and all the articles he wrote seemed to just drag on endlessly, and boringly. Knowing he needed to get a story that would interest his readers, he decides to focus on a theme that went with the month. It was October after all and Halloween was on the way, so what better story than those surrounding the local Asylum? He expected something creepy to come of the people there, but the patients didn’t have much to say. They were mostly just disturbed or suicidal people who needed to be monitored. No one had any 'scary' stories of what put them in there. No mass murderers. No delusional patients... He was about to give up when he noticed a single room down a long hall that had a guard standing in front of it. The doctor giving him the tour explained that the woman inside the room paid to have a guard there at all times. When asked about her mental issues, he’s told that they don’t think she has one… She willingly checked herself in and had no signs of mental instability. She also wouldn’t share with them WHY she was there, as they were required to document anything she said. Even though he’s told she doesn’t take visitors very often, he asks to see her, and they agree to let him the following day. When he arrives, she is exercising, but still engages in chat, though she seems distant… When he asks to hear her story about why she is here, she tells him she will share as long as rules are in place… He cannot record the conversation. He cannot put the name of the hospital, her name, or the town’s name in the article… For his own safety, she says he shouldn’t put his either… Wanting the story, he agrees, even though he knows he'll put his name on the paper anyways. If it's worth writing, it's worth the acknowledgment that he deserves for it. She spins a tale that he thinks is…a bunch of bull. Even so, the story is good and makes for one hell of an article. Once published, it sells and it sells well. Things are looking up for him, but only for a short time. Once night after celebrating with coworkers, he is attacked as he enters his house. Anyone in the house [i](your call)[/i] is now dead, and the men surrounding him begin to beat on him, demanding they tell them where the woman from the article is. When he wakes up from being knocked out, he uses his training from law enforcement to get himself free and out of the building. He is heading back to the Asylum. As he enters the woman’s room, he sees her standing with the article in hand and tells him that she told him not to put his name in the paper… Her story hadn't been fake at all and now he will need her help to survive. The people after them are powerful and deadly, and they won't give up until they have her. [/hider] [hider=Darkened Moon (18+ Dark/adult setting)]His life was a roller-coaster. He had been an orphan since the murder of his parents as an infant. He was raised on the streets after running away from a foster family. He became a thug, a druggie, and had a sexual appetite. In his twenties, he remembered when the snow came...and never left... Months began to pass and the cold weather began to change the way people saw the world. That ice cold snow was falling everywhere, even in the hottest of deserts. It didn't stop his life. If the world was ending, he planned to live it up, but a bullet put a quick end to that when a rival caught him in the dark streets. As he lay bleeding in the snow, trying to accept his death, a group of men approached and dragged him into their van. They tell him that they have a deal for him if he wants to live... They run an organization and need fighters. If he agrees to work with them, they will save his life. Unwilling to die just yet, especially now with revenge on his mind, he agrees. He's saved with basic surgery, but he isn't prepared for what he's about to learn. The organization he has become part of is fighting against an alien invasion--the aliens being the reason for the snow that is covering the world. The aliens are seeking a very powerful orb that has the ability to enslave or destroy the entire universe if they can obtain it. This orb, however, cannot survive outside a host, and can only survive inside the body of a woman. Whenever a woman dies, it passes to the nearest woman who is healthy enough to contain it. What's unusual about the power in the orb is that it cannot be used by the female holding it, only the males who absorb it...yet males cannot hold it within them... As they learned, when the female reaches a peak of Adrenalin, be it through a fight (or flight) response, or even an orgasm, a bit of the power radiates out and can be absorbed by whatever is touching her. The aliens have been kidnapping, raping, and ultimately killing the women who did not possess the power. This is where the man came in. The group had created an orb that contained a similar power, but not quite of the same magnitude. With it, they know he can fight and rival against the aliens to help save the world... The orb is implanted into the man and he gains inhuman abilities (we can discuss what type you'd like).[/hider] Aaaaand now let's move to series! ONWARD! Avatar ~ The Last Airbender // Adult Zuko x Female OC Naruto // (Your Options for main: Kakashi, Adult Neji, Might Guy, Itachi, Jiraiya, or Gaara) X Female OC ** We'll be doing a lot of playing of characters from the show. The plot will vary depending on who you play. Slayers // Zelgadis X Female OC X Other characters from the show. Resident Evil // Wesker or Chris x Female OC ** No matter who you play, the other will be a secondary. Dragon Ball Z; I have a big plot I'd like to do and it takes attributes from a lot of the series, all over, it's big. We'll talk. ;) You'll still be playing canon, just making this clear. :3 And with that...yeah. PM me for more info or to RP![@Username]