[color=7ea7d8]High Elder Gladstone - Western Brotherhood[/color] To his requests, the NCR president, who shortly thereafter turned out to be a double, was the first to reply. Promising an envoy in private, to which Gladstone replied with an incline of the head in thanks. "Once today's meeting concludes and everyone finds a chance to rest, we will be in touch." The King paused, as if considering his words. "If the need to converse is more urgent, another envoy can be sent." The High Elder gave a gracious smile in reply. "A meeting following today's meeting will be fine." Next was the the Midwestern Chapter's "Secretary-General" who scampered to his feet in shock. It appeared the man had been surprised by such a move, not that he could blame him. "On behalf of the Lord-Paladin, We would be pleased to meet with our Brethren from the West. We have been estranged for far too long." A nod of the head. "That we have. Convey my regards to, His Excellency, and my hopes to a resolution to the situation of estrangement that should hopefully soon come to an end." Following this, further delegates arrived, one of whom was in the thoughts of the High Elder. The Great Khan. Waiting until the Khan Delegation had seated, Atticus straightened his back, met the man in the eye, before giving a nod of acknowledgement and speaking towards the figure. "As our respective polities are neighbours Great Khan, I would humbly request that we could come to terms to define the relationship that will exist between our peoples. As such, I formally request a meeting of our envoys, at a time as is suitable for the both of us." Pausing for a moment, the High Elder turned to the room at large and resting his knuckles upon the table, and adopting a statesmanlike pose, spoke up to all present. "Are there any here who have business with Western Brotherhood? Or wish to speak to us on any matter?"