[hider=Lily Natche] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Lily Natche [u][b]Race:[/b][/u] Human [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 16 [u][b]Sex:[/b][/u] Female [hider= Appearance:] [img]http://static.zerochan.net/Reiuji.Utsuho.full.1984548.jpg [/img] [/hider] Lily possesses light purple eyes, with a very dark brown to her hair that is on the borderline of being black. She is about 5'2 with around 90 pounds of body weight, making her exceptionally petite. On her body, there is little to no visual muscle, but her body is extremely toned despite being so petite. She doesn't wear make up and her hair, despite being naturally straight, is unkempt. Considering all these factors, Lily is notably attractive. [u][b]Personality: [/b][/u]Lily is an extremely unique individual. She possesses a presence to her that seems as if she is much wiser than her years and her appearance would lead you to believe. And partially, this is true. She possesses the wisdom in combat that you'd expect a 3 star hunter or a grizzled veteran to possess. Her decision making at crucial moments is unparalleled and her ability to maintain her composure as everything around her falls apart is unrivalled. On top of this, Lily seems to have a continuously callous emotional state, which to onlookers seemingly looks as if she has an inability to feel emotion. To onlookers, she never appears to be happy, sad, humoured or angry, rather in a constant state of thought as if she was away on another planet or deep within her own universe. This doesn't mean she is a sociopath, or incapable of feeling emotion, rather that she is exceptionally bad at expressing it and as a result, does not seem to let out any emotion, whether positive or negative unless she finds herself talking to a person that really clicks with her. This leads to people believing that Lily is a lot stronger mentally than she truly is, and as a result, makes people think she is somebody to be relied on. Despite this, if Lilies temper was ever to be evoked, it's safe to say that the fight wouldn't go well for the one that she'd be against. Lily is quite slow to pick up jokes about herself, mostly due to a lack of caring and she always finds herself entering situations without much thought, leaving her vulnerable to planning and other such events. Due to this, she often burns many bridges that would end up being helpful to her later due to her lack of awareness. On top of this, Lily is not very talented at conversation. Her answers are blunt and to the point, and lack any depth or meaning to them despite the message that she's trying to portray, and she has no real interest in prying information out of other people, making her terrible at work that requires her to talk or listen. Despite this, her level of self awareness is astounding. Lilies motivation to become a hunter came from curiosity. She saw that hunters are some of the most gifted people on the planet and she wondered if she made the cut. She wanted to find out whether she was in that top percentile of people on the planet, or whether she was another lemming without any inherent value. Lilies morals are based off pure Darwinism. Having been brought up in a dog eat dog environment, she sees the natural order of things as the way that the world should go, with those who are independent and able to think for themselves at the forefront, and those who are too weak to follow in the footsteps as those who should either die or find a way to become stronger. She is not inherently cruel or heartless but in her mind, this philosophy is true for the world and cannot be changed by tears. Biography: Lilies life has been pretty interesting. She was born at the cost of her mothers life due to a poorly executed childbirth and living in a rural region, and as a result, earned the resent of her father. Due to the death of his wife, he also committed suicide and as a result, Lily never grew up with a parental figure. She was passed from family member to family member up until the point where she was put up for adoption within the village that she lived. She ended up being brought up into the village dojo, which had practiced the same martial art style for generations upon generations. For a frail, sickly girl like Lily, it was amazing that she was even brought into the fold. From the moment she was brought in, ever day since she could walk she was taught to fight. What surprised those at the dojo was not the amount of strength she somehow packed into the tiny body she possessed, but rather the sheer determination she displayed as a disciple. Her training continued throughout the years, following an extremely tense regimen once she hit the age of 10. Training that would break a normal human adult was brushed aside and muscled through by a girl that weighed next to nothing. Lily ended up breaking every limit that was set in front of her and more, consistently proving those who doubted her wrong in their assumptions. Before Lilies training had been completed, there was some concerns on who was going to be the next master of the dojo. Many of those within the Dojo supported the son of the current master, but it was clear that the majority saw Lily as the next prospect, as she had the most potential in their eyes and was currently the most powerful disciple. As a result, it was difficult for the dojo to allow her to leave but deciding that Lily was loyal to the dojo and would likely come back, that it wasn't a worry that she'd abandon the place that raised her and as a result, they allowed her to explore the world. Around the age of 14 was when Lily finished her training From that point, she did not know what she wanted to pursue. In essence, the Dojo had dumped an incredibly strong toddler onto the plains of the world, and from this, strange things ensued. Lily had little to no idea of social customs outside of those taught within her martial arts classes and the village she was in, she knew nothing about technology or food outside of cattle. Lily fondly remembers her first encounter with sweets when she made her first purchase at the supermarket. From that point onwards, she became enfatuated with the world around her. Every single thing that Lily did from that point onwards filled her with joy. Drinking a cup of hot chocolate, watching television, playing video games. What might seem like mundane tasks to those who have experienced it, were the equivalent of skydiving or bungee jumping every day for the girl who had not experienced modern life. Around the age of 15, Lily ended up encountering a blast from the past when she discovered that people viewed fighting as a sport. Overjoyed, Lily decided to enlist in every fighting tournament she could find, but she was disappointed time and time again. None were strong enough to match her one on one, and this filled her with a sense of being. This was when Lily believed herself to be evolved beyond everybody else. On her sixteenth birthday, Lily found out about the hunter exam after extensive research into a challenge that could test her theory. Figuring that if she passed it, she'd prove to herself that she was something special rather than another number, she decided to try the hunters examination, and see if she could find anone else who she would consider evolved. [u][b]Abilities: [/b][/u] Insane Physical Strength and Agility: Lily is an incredibly petite, small person. Despite this, she possesses the strength you'd expect to come from a behemoth or an ogre. On top of this, she's extremely fast. This is likely due to the lack of weight that she has to carry when using her strength meaning that the momentum takes her further simply from the amount of strength that she possesses. She obtained this strength through training similar to that at the Zoldyck residence. Despite this, she has very little endurance and her stamina is much lower than somebody who would normally have this strength. This power base is stronger in her legs than in her arms. Non-threatening: Due to Lilies small figure, many people vastly underestimate her physical potential and as a result are quite surprised when they find out her actual level of strength. This gives her an edge in combat as often times she is brushed off as a little girl. Martial Artist: Lily trained herself in a martial art similar to that of Muay Thai. Due to this in combination with her strength, it makes Lily a fearsome duellist and opponent. Miscellaneous: Lily constantly appears as if she was insanely tired, with massive amounts of bags underneath her eyes no matter how much sleep she gets. She's incredibly addicted to candies and sugar filled goods as well. She's also an incredibly talented musician when using a flute and piano. On top of this, she's a lucid dreamer and keeps a journal of what she experiences within her own dreams. [/hider] Finally finished it! :)