[h2][color=lightgreen][u]Jake Cross [/u][/color][/h2] Jake felt the tug of the helicopter rising up and taking them away from Anselmo. It was a familiar feeling and one he both hated and loved at the same time. No matter how you sliced it or saw it this was the beginning of something big. Everybody knew it and as each member of the team spoke up in turn, voicing a response to his previous statement he knew it. Each one had a type from caring teamplayer, to the nervous but good intended. From the tough guy proving something, to the weird and abnormal. From the cold pessimist to the blind optimist. They were all stuck together and one now, for better or worse they were all they had. [color=lightgreen]"Thanks Reed. I'm glad to hear somebody's willing to chase my ass through Hell and high water."[/color] Jake said after keying in the net for their pilot. [color=lightgreen]"And don't you go worrying too much there Rig! We've got a long ride ahead and I don't want you passing out on me before you have a chance to fix our way out of the fire."[/color] He continued on to say for their resident mechanic. [color=lightgreen]"What's the difference James? Nervous or Scared they both do as you say! They keep you alive and able to come back home safe and sound. Just do me a favor. Don't lose those wits of your's so you can keep my ass safe when mine fail."[/color] Jake picked up again for James. However, that's about when he heard Isis chime up about her pet, or sister. Really he didn't know with those Nasri folks. [color=lightgreen]"Thanks for the vote of confidence Isis. I'll be sure to sleep cozy come nightfall. And hey! I'm sure they let one of you along with us because every team needs a nut job."[/color] He commented to her, returning the playful wink. [color=lightgreen]"Oh come on Spook don't be such a pessimist! Everybody knows Murphy is a dick, just gotta tell him to leave you alone!"[/color] He started to say in response to the resident gas mask. Though her playing with her weapons put him a tad on edge, especially with how close she was to him, [color=lightgreen]"Easy there killer, I'm not looking to get impaled due to a little turbulence."[/color] Yet she did pose an interesting question. What brought everybody to this special brand of Hell on Earth. [color=lightgreen]"If you care for my take. I'm here because my dumb ass wanted to make something happen and what better way to do that than to go and chase down some lights."[/color] He gave, almost sarcastically given on a very basic level they were doing just that. Chasing down some light in the middle of nowhere. That only left the team Seer who appeared not ready to talk yet. Or maybe that wasn't the right word as he appeared to be, well not here to be honest. Sitting down at his bench, hands folded and brought up to his head with his eyes closed. This wasn't Jake's first time dealing with a Seer and he knew there were always a bit different, but this one seemed like a very level headed man who just so happened to talk to a supernatural force. Of course there were a few others coming with them on this mission, but not only has Jake ran a few missions with them, they know their jobs and stick to them. The first being Communications Officer Aria, she knew everything about radios and arrays to the point that Jake considered it damn near obsessive. Still it left him with a good feeling know that as long as she was alive they'd have a way of calling home. After her was the team's researcher and Occultist, Derek Alonse. This man wasn't a Seer, but he was weirder than the most abstract Seer imaginable. He was all about The Other and how it changed the world and as much of an odd ball he was, he sure knew his stuff. Pondering for a minute about what would come next he heard the Seer speak up from his previous silence and speak of his reason for being here. A medic AND a Seer? Kid has talent and he's sure an asset to the team. Though his take on The Other was a rather odd one. Most Seers in Jake's experience viewed The Other almost as a God to be worshiped. Which was rather weird and savage as most of the Wild Ones did that, but he never minded too much given they weren't trying to kill and cook him. Though to find that he had a mind different from the common cut of Seers, well it was easy to say that he earned Jake's interest in those two sentences. [color=lightgreen]"Well if nobody else plans on saying it I gladly will. Happy to have you on the team Matthias."[/color] He said over the net. Though as everybody talked about and the helicopter flew on through the skies safely above the Wild World below. They still had a bit of a trip ahead of them, which allowed for more mingling. For anybody who looked out the window they'd be greeted with wonderful sights. While the wild world was dangerous beyond imagining it's overgrown and changed landscapes were something of true beauty. Enough so to almost make one think that so much evil couldn't exist among so much wonder.