[@Oak7ree] well, if they're /all/ staff, it's weird to talk to the guests. So you need a mix for gathering info. Maria would do well as society. Bel...she could. Probably. Would rather not, but I think we should make her. ^.^ But the idea is that those trained should do the info gathering, since we don't have anyone with a special gift suited to that (save Maria) and then we're the force once we know who and where. [@MegaOscarPwn] to be in the band he'd need to be known to the other musicians, as generally ensembles work together a lot. And he'd need to know the specific pieces. Also bands at places like this are less guitar, and more violin, cello, maybe some woodwinds or brass. Stuff like that. [@ONL] OOOH best wishes *waves pompoms*