Am I spamming your notifications yet? Anyhow, I was talking about some mechanics and remembered that we once came to a conclusion about Inspiration in this game, which eventually came to not implementing them in any shape or form. However, I can see the merit in them and I should reward people for playing their characters well, but since I myself am horrible at giving it out (had to stop it in irl games too), I propose we let you, the players hand it out. Of course I will still need to approve any proposals so it won't just end up being "we need an advantage on this roll" button, but since my biggest problem is forgetting them, if you bring them to my attention I should be able to implement the mechanic nicely. Thoughts? [@The Harbinger of Ferocity][@Lucius Cypher][@Gordian Nought][@Norschtalen][@Ryonara]