Azaziel had settled down into a chair close enough to the general population as not to immediately mark himself as an outsider, but far enough away that actually talking to him would require the amount of effort he doubted anyone would go to talk to him. Like hiding in plain view. Then, the lights went off. A split second after they did he thought he saw the male teacher who was breaking up the fight, vanish into a shadow. [color=maroon]"Ah. A shade stepper"[/color] Zaze mused. Talking to ones self seemed like a risky business this early in the school game, but he didn't care to temper every single move he made. That would be ridiculous. Only the socially insane at that much time to regulate every little action they did. 'Just enough to slide by', was Zaze's motto. Rule one made him instinctively swallow the small tab that had been resting on his tongue for the past ten minutes. Of course that wasn't allowed here. Luckily for him, his narcotic of choice tended to look like a portrait at word, and at best like a piece of paper. Brilliant. Yeah, the sex thing didn't matter to Azaziel but the room search, coupled with the curfew, and the stuck within limits, and what exactly did they mean by 'reckless use of magic.' [color=maroon]"It must be magic that would put others in danger, not..unconventional magic."[/color] Surely that was the correct answer. This was a place of learning after all. He thought. One couldn't learn without risk, and risk, was the spearhead of innovation.. Azaziel moved toward the stage to grab the keys for his room. Apparently, his roomie was some dude named 'Malik,' well as long as 'Malik' wasn't a rat, and didn't mind him sleeping in the nude, he'd be tolerable. Most of these names meant nothing to him. His family put little stock in mage families, and he had learned little about them during his travels. Some were familiar, mainly the council families. Two caught his eye. Both made his breath catch in his throat. Memoli. Schippers. Both of those names were tied to a particularly interesting, partially traumatizing night. One of them simply carried the name. The other one carried the name. Toby's brother popped into his head. Those cold eyes and that devil-may-care smile. Urg. What an unsettling mortal being. Thankfully, he was distracted by the sound of heavily accented yelling, directed at was was a essentially scaled down human being compared to the muscular frame of the irate young woman. Zaze found her to be loud, angry, and off-putting. Perfect candidate for a friend. Type of friend who scared everyone else off. Perfect. Aside from her intimidating physique, she had the most massive pair of breasts Azaziel had ever seen in his entire life. He wasn't looking at them from the perspective of a red-blooded Sterling male, but a perspective of genuine amazement. They were, in essence, the largest body part he had ever seen on a mortal woman. Fascinating. Perhaps he'd walk over an introduce himself. Azaziel had crossed the floor with the full intention of introducing himself to Yoko rather than his irrelevant room-mate, when Jason interjected. Jason Avalon. AVALON. Right. He had to check in his weapons with either Maeve or a Derrick. Right. [@Mr Allen J]