[@Patches] [@Afro Samurai] [@tex] [color=6ecff6]"Well, sounds like this merry band is in agreement. Wanna link up arms and skip the rest of the way? No? Aight, then just follow me."[/color] She said, smiling at the group that had gathered behind her. She turned around and continued to walk her way to the Grapevine. She'd learned that "Weird people" in New Wickborough were more of the norm. In fact, she had noticed a strange phenomenon where one or two weirdos would attract attention, but a group of four or more was strangely more conspicuous. And especially in a place like the Grapevine, they'd all fit right in. They all made their way to the establishment, where Lucy lead the way in. She walks up to the bouncer, motioning for Nino to step up. [color=6ecff6]"Hey there Rocco. Hope ya don't mind, I'm bringin' a couple guests in. Never seen any animals in here before, but he's got a rune like everyone else, so I don't see why not, right?"[/color] she said to the man, giving him a wink.